I don't go that way much at all anymore. I used to looove going to the isle of palms but now it is craptacular. Might try Frip island one day, iv'e heard they've got alot of frogs. How sad is that, planning a future vacation around frogs? Lol!:lau
Oh girl!!!
You can keep ALLLLLLL of “North Charleston”.
I lived in s’ville. Back when it was still small and sweet.
Yeah, this being the south it could be dang near anything. :caf
well.. since I raise birds for meat.... if I posted I wanted big roos, I would be thinking about the offspring for meat, but I wouldn't be looking for more than 1 or 2 brothers that get along , or there would be cock fighting going on.
also I would want a big roo as protector against some predators.. or at least an alert lol .

but I be thinking he was looking to fill the freezer sooner than offspring
Now, I don't have a problem with anybody eating them they are French meat chickens I just don't want them to be subjected to any dumb hillbilly games. Also don't want any smoke blown up my butt.:)
well.. since I raise birds for meat.... if I posted I wanted big roos, I would be thinking about the offspring for meat, but I wouldn't be looking for more than 1 or 2 brothers that get along , or there would be cock fighting going on.
also I would want a big roo as protector against some predators.. or at least an alert lol .

but I be thinking he was looking to fill the freezer sooner than offspring
Well, I just got back from the post office with my box-o-chicks (and keets). I was supposed to get 5 lavender keets and 4 EE pullets.

I open the box, I have 6 keets and 7 EE pullets. :eek:

So, here's your proof.

Here is what the keets look like. My 3 week old Cornish chicks are scared of the little things and keep running away from them.
View attachment 1411719
And here are the EEs. I didn't realize they were so FLUFFY!
View attachment 1411720 View attachment 1411721 View attachment 1411722 View attachment 1411723 View attachment 1411724 View attachment 1411725 View attachment 1411726
My lav keets look different! Got to get a picture.
Well, I just got back from the post office with my box-o-chicks (and keets). I was supposed to get 5 lavender keets and 4 EE pullets.

I open the box, I have 6 keets and 7 EE pullets. :eek:

So, here's your proof.

Here is what the keets look like. My 3 week old Cornish chicks are scared of the little things and keep running away from them.
View attachment 1411719
And here are the EEs. I didn't realize they were so FLUFFY!
View attachment 1411720 View attachment 1411721 View attachment 1411722 View attachment 1411723 View attachment 1411724 View attachment 1411725 View attachment 1411726
I guess they do look like that, i was looking at them from above and didn't notice the head as much. Tried to get a picture but they kept trying to run off so i put them in my egg basket. 20180531_171830.jpg 20180531_171851.jpg

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