:hugs For those who need it, :love for babies, & :mad: for foxes and hawks.

Klaus' toe looks really good after only a couple days of healing. I'm thinking her other toe probably took so long to heal b/c I didn't notice there was a problem and it was stuck on her foot by the tendon & kept rubbing against the open wound. Since I caught this one right away and it popped off and wasn't covered in poopy dirt for a while it's doing much better. She's not happy about the basement treatment, but is enjoying the pancakes she get to eat w/ her meds.
The poop butt puffy is getting a poopy butt again so I'm thinking she needs some yogurt later. She seems fine otherwise.
William is riding those spring hormones hard & keeps going after me. He's lucky he's tiny and cute.
I had an amazing week off work & didn't really want to come back. I talked to the director today and he's aware of the issues of getting my boss to do her job, so he's going to talk to her. It went much better than I had expected.

Oh, and I finally got a call back from my dr's office about my pulmonary function test, everything was fine.. Still no idea why I'm having trouble breathing and increased heart rate, but the message didn't say anything about seeing the dr again so I guess they're not too concerned about it. Stress & being fat.. can that be a dx?
That and not drinking enough water!
When I called Meyers they said they just weren’t getting the eggs they needed to fulfill orders. I ordered in January! If it had been only 1 breed I would have thought nothing of it. But 3 out of the 4 I ordered where not hatching. It gave me the creeps. So instead of risking it and driving over an hour one way for 4 chicks, only 2 that I ordered, I said cancel it.

I got other breeds I like and the Crested Cream Legbars I had originally wanted. Met a new chicken lady out of it too so not all bad.
When I called Meyers they said they just weren’t getting the eggs they needed to fulfill orders. I ordered in January! If it had been only 1 breed I would have thought nothing of it. But 3 out of the 4 I ordered where not hatching. It gave me the creeps. So instead of risking it and driving over an hour one way for 4 chicks, only 2 that I ordered, I said cancel it.

I got other breeds I like and the Crested Cream Legbars I had originally wanted. Met a new chicken lady out of it too so not all bad.
Yeah, you'd think they'd be breeding their own adult birds to hatch eggs. Otherwise, maybe they get their eggs from other places & w/ CA on quarantine that could have been an issue.
ETA: AND you get to hatch more babies. Are you going to keep any of the hatch or just give them all back when you're done?
:hugs For those who need it, :love for babies, & :mad: for foxes and hawks.

Klaus' toe looks really good after only a couple days of healing. I'm thinking her other toe probably took so long to heal b/c I didn't notice there was a problem and it was stuck on her foot by the tendon & kept rubbing against the open wound. Since I caught this one right away and it popped off and wasn't covered in poopy dirt for a while it's doing much better. She's not happy about the basement treatment, but is enjoying the pancakes she get to eat w/ her meds.
The poop butt puffy is getting a poopy butt again so I'm thinking she needs some yogurt later. She seems fine otherwise.
William is riding those spring hormones hard & keeps going after me. He's lucky he's tiny and cute.
I had an amazing week off work & didn't really want to come back. I talked to the director today and he's aware of the issues of getting my boss to do her job, so he's going to talk to her. It went much better than I had expected.

Oh, and I finally got a call back from my dr's office about my pulmonary function test, everything was fine.. Still no idea why I'm having trouble breathing and increased heart rate, but the message didn't say anything about seeing the dr again so I guess they're not too concerned about it. Stress & being fat.. can that be a dx?
Heart function normal? Sleep Apnea?
Heart function normal? Sleep Apnea?
They did an ekg when I went in and that was fine. I do snore, but I've always done that, even after getting my tonsils & adenoids removed. I do hear myself snoring, but I've not notice that I've stopped breathing. I'm a light sleeper so it'd probably wake me up. Though, the other day I either had a nightmare or sleep paralysis b/c I thought I heard a door creaking, but I was the only one home. I was either dreaming it, or I was awake, but unable to move and I remember being scared someone was in my apt, but then I went back to sleep to try to wake up. I woke up later and I was fine.
We got a call from the utility company saying our water bill at the cabin was $:th and we had a water leak. It was a toilet that had been running for a month!!!!! Anway, gorgeous day today and I am taking home 5 black trash bags of mattress pad, sheets, blankets and quilts to wash! Thought I would share the view
They did an ekg when I went in and that was fine. I do snore, but I've always done that, even after getting my tonsils & adenoids removed. I do hear myself snoring, but I've not notice that I've stopped breathing. I'm a light sleeper so it'd probably wake me up. Though, the other day I either had a nightmare or sleep paralysis b/c I thought I heard a door creaking, but I was the only one home. I was either dreaming it, or I was awake, but unable to move and I remember being scared someone was in my apt, but then I went back to sleep to try to wake up. I woke up later and I was fine.
The doc will probably not push for further testing unless you do.
We got a call from the utility company saying our water bill at the cabin was $:th and we had a water leak. It was a toilet that had been running for a month!!!!! Anway, gorgeous day today and I am taking home 5 black trash bags of mattress pad, sheets, blankets and quilts to wash! Thought I would share the view View attachment 1748022

I feel your pain. Don't even want to think about the final number for me.
We got a call from the utility company saying our water bill at the cabin was $:th and we had a water leak. It was a toilet that had been running for a month!!!!! Anway, gorgeous day today and I am taking home 5 black trash bags of mattress pad, sheets, blankets and quilts to wash! Thought I would share the view View attachment 1748022
At least they caught it before it was months. At least the view looks nice and peaceful.

The doc will probably not push for further testing unless you do.
I'm not sure what else they can do. She basically told me to exercise & reduce stress.

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