:weeI don't know nuthin' about birth'in babies!

tear up some clean sheets, boil water, let doctor take over :yesss:
I never understood the boil water part. To sterilize stuff?

Some days are :he worthy.:barnie

My son is meeting with the horrible boss we had. Yup that boss called him wanting him to go back to work there.
Lots of promises about things being better, different, etc. :rolleyes:

I won't go back there. I am still raw over it all.

Big parts made of plastic sitting outside warping in the sun, filling with ice and snow in winter, covered in road grime. No thanks.
Idiots fresh to production work getting paid more than me.....yeah he can keep all that mess.
I don't blame you one bit. It sounds like a huge pile of carp. Hopefully your son will be put in a position to fix some of that mess. I won't hold my breath though.
I've been seeing about lime on instagram (I must be following someone.. IDK).. So what does lime do? I remember my mom putting it in her garden, and the insta people advertise putting it in water troughs.. What does it do, besides helping w/ the stink?
barn lime kills bacteria , Coccidia is not affected because it's a parasite
sweets the soil by increasing ph of acidic soils
a source of calcium and magnesium for plants. it permits improved water penetration for acidic soils.
I never understood the boil water part. To sterilize stuff?

I don't blame you one bit. It sounds like a huge pile of carp. Hopefully your son will be put in a position to fix some of that mess. I won't hold my breath though.

Oh I could go on and on with the awful carp I put up with there. :rolleyes:

I will spare you all. :)

Suffice it to say he couldn't pay me enough to come back.

Looking like a nice morning to get stuff done here. :D
I think I will finally get that filter done for the micro pond.
I never understood the boil water part. To sterilize stuff?

I don't blame you one bit. It sounds like a huge pile of carp. Hopefully your son will be put in a position to fix some of that mess. I won't hold my breath though.
I think they boiled water to keep people busy instead of having to deal with nervous Nellie's. If a doctor was involved, maybe to sterilize instruments.
Nothing better than getting out of a crappy job. I wouldn't go back either. In fact, the last job I had I was way unappreciated. They begged me to go back after They fired me for something trivial. I worked later than anyone in the building every Friday night to be sure all the patients had their RSS. I retired after that crap.
barn lime kills bacteria , Coccidia is not affected because it's a parasite
sweets the soil by increasing ph of acidic soils
a source of calcium and magnesium for plants. it permits improved water penetration for acidic soils.
Thanks! I've never heard of this. Sunday I spent a good hour w/ a garden rake breaking up the compacted top layer of poop and dirt in the big run... I was stupid to expect my bird would mix in all the saw dust I'd put in there over the winter. There was a nice defined layers of poop & dirt/ sawdust/ leaves/ dirt. I got some of it mixed in. What was weird was the top looked bone dry, but when I used the rake to peel back sections, under that it was wet. It smelled a lot better after I mixed it all up though. I didn't get it all done though, after I ended up snorting a mosquito I decided I was done.

I think they boiled water to keep people busy instead of having to deal with nervous Nellie's. If a doctor was involved, maybe to sterilize instruments.
Nothing better than getting out of a crappy job. I wouldn't go back either. In fact, the last job I had I was way unappreciated. They begged me to go back after They fired me for something trivial. I worked later than anyone in the building every Friday night to be sure all the patients had their RSS. I retired after that crap.
I'm glad they begged you to come back, even if you didn't do it. B/c that way you knew they knew that screwed up. Good for you for not going back, you know that even if things started out better they'd likely end up back where they were before.
Yeah the rooster just stands for the spur trims and derp toe maintence.
He's pretty good he spins in a circle a decent amount but stays in one spot so I can deal with that.
You did good on your cakes! Your girl has some eccentric tastes dosent she? :p
I was seriously wondering if Rae had her baby over the weekend when I logged on. So exciting!! And how great that she just finished up her work stuff. It's like the baby knew. Hopefully it's always that accommodating.

My giant human turned 16 yesterday. We went to see MIB4, which was good, but not as amazing as the first one. I made her an awesome cake. I have to share it b/c it turned out so much better than I expected. My kid is weird, she wanted a Croc cake & frog cakes. Frog cakes, if you don't know, are a dessert from Australia. Basically a cake w/ jam and butter cream in the middle, a scoop of buttercream on top, covered in green icing w/ dot eyes, then you cut a slit in the top to make the mouth of the frog. It's apparently a big deal there. One turned out almost perfect, the others were special.
View attachment 1823374
She loves crocs and saw a similar cake online. First time using fondant... could be better, could be worse. I used froze sarah lee pound cake, blackberry jam, and homemade buttercream. I tasted pretty good & she was happy. Those frog cakes though.

Loki has gone broody again. She was hanging out in the Saturday night, then Sunday night she was still there (even after I took her eggs)... I tossed her out of the coop several times. I'll need to break her this weekend.
View attachment 1823375
She is not happy w/ my attempts to stop her. Her belly is already naked. If it wasn't 2 weeks before we had to leave I'd consider letting her hatch (for someone else), but not while I'm gone. I have an egger who is molting up a storm. The run looks like someone had been attacked.
I was seriously wondering if Rae had her baby over the weekend when I logged on. So exciting!! And how great that she just finished up her work stuff. It's like the baby knew. Hopefully it's always that accommodating.

My giant human turned 16 yesterday. We went to see MIB4, which was good, but not as amazing as the first one. I made her an awesome cake. I have to share it b/c it turned out so much better than I expected. My kid is weird, she wanted a Croc cake & frog cakes. Frog cakes, if you don't know, are a dessert from Australia. Basically a cake w/ jam and butter cream in the middle, a scoop of buttercream on top, covered in green icing w/ dot eyes, then you cut a slit in the top to make the mouth of the frog. It's apparently a big deal there. One turned out almost perfect, the others were special.
View attachment 1823374
She loves crocs and saw a similar cake online. First time using fondant... could be better, could be worse. I used froze sarah lee pound cake, blackberry jam, and homemade buttercream. I tasted pretty good & she was happy. Those frog cakes though.

Loki has gone broody again. She was hanging out in the Saturday night, then Sunday night she was still there (even after I took her eggs)... I tossed her out of the coop several times. I'll need to break her this weekend.
View attachment 1823375
She is not happy w/ my attempts to stop her. Her belly is already naked. If it wasn't 2 weeks before we had to leave I'd consider letting her hatch (for someone else), but not while I'm gone. I have an egger who is molting up a storm. The run looks like someone had been attacked.
Congrats on getting a 16 year old!

I like the cake and the fondant work is nice

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