Good morning!
Hopefully everyone is having a better one than me I've already been smacked in the forehead by a junebug.
That thing got me nearly right between the eyes lol!
We both survived although slightly addled lol!

Loopy is fun isn't it?
Nothing wrong with "loopy," I enjoy it wholeheartedly.
Oops thanks Nunny can't give away my true identity lol!
You mean Rusty Shackleford?
Oh lawd what can't you use it for?
I've used it in water for the birds as an immunity booster and a super boost of B vitamins.
I've used it straight on wounds to speed healing and kill germs.
I've used it straight on a tooth that was giving me fits and it killed the pain better than orajel.
I use it as a booster for myself during cold season.
The stuff is just awesome.
Nunny turned me on to Midgard, they just killed me with quality.
Didn't help I'm a nerd and Midgard is the first city you're introduced to if you've ever played Final Fantasy 7.
Good night everyone :frow
Im so tired :th Hubs is away with the civil air patrol for a little while and so now im the kids taxi:barnie im usually in bed by now. Not to mention my to do list. SO many projects, so much crap to do before I can do them 😭. The amount of clutter in this house is mind boggling. Kiddo and I are convinced hubs is a hoarder, not just a packrat. He doesnt throw his garbage away even. When i ask, well I may as well ask him to pitch his guitars. He has no problem throwing away our stuff though 🤬
Im hoping to paint the bathroom, but want to replace the light fixture, so of course the one I wanted is now no longer available. Blech! Im also hoping to paint the kitchen cabinets among way too much other stuff. We have four different cabinet styles and colors in there. Im pretty sure thats not an actual style of design, but I could be wrong. At least theyre going to all be white when Im done. 🤣🤣
The garden is doing so-so. Ive gotten zucchini, found a pumpkin and see a few green tomatoes from each variety. I also have had about 5 green beans. Thats it, 5. Carrots seem to be doing okay, but the potatoes rotted. Will be redoing their barrel. I finally got my pallets, so that helps. I need to mow the lawn, but he got a battery mower and ive never used it before. This should be fun, and take forever cuz the batteries run out in 30 minutes :barnie:he

What do you use it for? On the chickens and yourself. I havent heard of Midgard Farms before. I will have to check them out. I usually get my honey, etc. from Kline Honey Bee Farm. I love seeing their guineas, turkeys and peacocks 🥰🥰

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@Grammy60 & @CSAchook 🥰🤗
Hopefully everyone is having a better one than me I've already been smacked in the forehead by a junebug.
That thing got me nearly right between the eyes lol!
Glad it was between those eyes and not in one.... Somebody asks "what happened to your eye?" ..."oh just a june bug".. . :lol:
Good morning!
Hopefully everyone is having a better one than me I've already been smacked in the forehead by a junebug.
That thing got me nearly right between the eyes lol!
We both survived although slightly addled lol!

Loopy is fun isn't it?

Oops thanks Nunny can't give away my true identity lol!

Oh lawd what can't you use it for?
I've used it in water for the birds as an immunity booster and a super boost of B vitamins.
I've used it straight on wounds to speed healing and kill germs.
I've used it straight on a tooth that was giving me fits and it killed the pain better than orajel.
I use it as a booster for myself during cold season.
The stuff is just awesome.
Nunny turned me on to Midgard, they just killed me with quality.
Didn't help I'm a nerd and Midgard is the first city you're introduced to if you've ever played Final Fantasy 7.
Good morning Chicky :frow
I do have a big raised up red spot like I've been thumped with extreme malice or just aggressively DIY Hindu.
Glad it was between those eyes and not in one.... Somebody asks "what happened to your eye?" ..."oh just a june bug".. . :lol:
Good morning!
Good morning Chicky :frow

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