Good morning!
Hopefully everyone is having a better one than me I've already been smacked in the forehead by a junebug.
That thing got me nearly right between the eyes lol!
We both survived although slightly addled lol!

Loopy is fun isn't it?

Oops thanks Nunny can't give away my true identity lol!

Oh lawd what can't you use it for?
I've used it in water for the birds as an immunity booster and a super boost of B vitamins.
I've used it straight on wounds to speed healing and kill germs.
I've used it straight on a tooth that was giving me fits and it killed the pain better than orajel.
I use it as a booster for myself during cold season.
The stuff is just awesome.
Nunny turned me on to Midgard, they just killed me with quality.
Didn't help I'm a nerd and Midgard is the first city you're introduced to if you've ever played Final Fantasy 7.
:frowGood morning Chicky, have a great day and watch out for those june bugs
Glad it was between those eyes and not in one.... Somebody asks "what happened to your eye?" ..."oh just a june bug".. . :lol:
:frowGood morning Mo, have a great day
The forecast high here is 96. We do not normally have horrible humidity so that helps....a teeny tiny bit.
:frowGood morning Henny, have a great day
I lost Merida. :hitShe waited till I picked her up this morning, took a few breaths and died in my arms. I am beyond sad but I knew my time with her was limited. I actually put off doing anything yesterday and just snuggled her on the couch.
I am so sorry 😔 it's so hard when they go
Extra strength heavy duty tinfoil hat time.
I blocked that number yesterday, it called again today... still blocked I checked.
What in the heck?
Even bill collectors can't mind freak like that.
Your might as well talk to them..... they will come to the door.

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