First....yes there are a ton of weeds in this bed. Second....pulling them I risk pulling my sweet little violas that self seeded throughout that bed.
Third...this one made me giggle! It has a SQUARE! An actual SQUARE!
Ok Nunny you have experience with special ones tell me what you think is going on.
I call her, she runs to her name or does that honking cluck so I can find her.
Once I find her I pick her up loose football, she snuggles in and just lets it rip.
She's not one iota pissed or scared.
It's almost like a chill accident.
Again guys I'm sorry.
Sounds like she relaxes and lets loose. Try picking her up butt outward, head under your arm, and see if she goes. Then you can turn her around.
Good morning!
I can't believe it is actually Friday again, we just had one of those last week! :)

Ok, I'll give it a go for science but it will really throw my rubbing her on the head for a loop. :D
Sounds like she relaxes and lets loose. Try picking her up butt outward, head under your arm, and see if she goes. Then you can turn her around.
Good morning folks :frow

I lost Merida. :hitShe waited till I picked her up this morning, took a few breaths and died in my arms. I am beyond sad but I knew my time with her was limited. I actually put off doing anything yesterday and just snuggled her on the couch.
Nunny I'm so sorry :hugs:hugsyou did the very best for her:hugs:hugs
Your might as well talk to them..... they will come to the door.
Strangers at the door are greeted with a loaded stoger. ;)
Good morning!
I can't believe it is actually Friday again, we just had one of those last week! :)

Ok, I'll give it a go for science but it will really throw my rubbing her on the head for a loop. :D
:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day... It's an extra special Friday today... The idiot is off on 10 days vacation (not that he does anything when he's not on vacation). :D But I'll take 10 idiot free days:ya
Bob not doing anything is a vacation.
I'm glad you got some time to unwind.
But don't do what most men do with a vacation week and drive the better half nuts.:)
Oh squirrel Bob the past few mornings has taken offense to my using the water outside before dealing with him.
That squirrel sits on the spigot box now so I've got no choice.
Good morning folks :frow

Nunny I'm so sorry :hugs:hugsyou did the very best for her:hugs:hugs

Strangers at the door are greeted with a loaded stoger. ;)

:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day... It's an extra special Friday today... The idiot is off on 10 days vacation (not that he does anything when he's not on vacation). :D But I'll take 10 idiot free days:ya
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