My dog is 11 almost 12.
The year he was a puppy, no, the first 3 years he was a puppy I looked like, well a very disadvantaged woman.
Everything I owned it seemed, had rips, tears and holes in them.
I still have a few of those tshirts and I'm going to keep them long after he's gone because they bring back happy memories -those years...when all my kids were in our happy house, and we all adored this crazy puppy.
Now this sweet old dog.
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Aww Stacey how precious those are precious furry family moments :hitthat you cherish forever :lovehe is a handsome fur baby :frow
I am totally LMAO here..... DH has had a history of VERY bad snoring... and he stops breathing... so, he got a CPAP.....

Now, as my Wolfie gets older, he is snoring worse and worse, louder and louder... and I've noticed, it *seems* like he stops breathing.

Should I try nasal strips? Will I need to take him in for a sleep study? Do they have CPAP machines for dogs? He is at least courteous and sleeps with his head towards DH (so I hear less of the snoring), but then I get his rear in my face.....

I am seriously KILLING myself with laughter over all the tatering things I am thinking about. :lau :gig :lau
I'm all caught up but think I might try to go to bed early.

@Anansi -honey girl, hang in there. Hope the dr. Wasn't a derp or a tater.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. :love:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
You have us!

Rae- hope you and MD get a good night's sleep tonight

Ruby- I'm so proud of all your hard work at school, and in the other parts of your life. Keep it up. You'll go far! (as the old folks say)

Smuvy- love your crazy avatars. You always keep us guessing. Save up. Get a camper. Sell it when PICS a teenager. By then he won't want to go on trips.
Childhood is fleeting.
Don't waste it.

21hens-you just wait! That dog is going to be awesome (3 years from now)!

Misty-hope the DH does well tomorrow.

Cappy- resist the urge to pick up expensive taters til this dropsy spell wears off

Chickassan-I choke on my coffee almost every morning. DH says he hears me when he's in the shower and that's how he knows I'm alive.

Sam! - check in with us buddy!
We need to know you guys survived the prairie fires!

Everyone else- I love being a part of this friend group even if I don't have a lot to say every day. Winter gets to me too.
In a few weeks I'll be past the worst of it.
Once I get to the second week of February I think I might live another year.
We've got your back to hun, & thanks :hugs+:hugs=:lovesweet dreams
Just got the Milk Drinker to sleep. My parents got their bathtub installed today and I was able to give him a bath in a nice steamy bathroom. That is harder to do in our house. It seemed to help clear out his sinuses a good bit. Hopefully that helps with his breathing tonight.

Cute little stinker

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Nite nite spider baby :hugsfeel better
Man you all make my day!!
I laugh a lot with you guys!!

I gotta hit the hay. :hugs
See you all tomorrow.


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