PBM :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
I'm so sorry you lost Willow, and that your also needing to nurse Suzi back to health. I hope she makes a good recovery.

Henny :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
Pudding had such an awesome life. It's always hard, but I've found that knowing they aren't suffering, and are able to go peacefully with our help makes it a little easier, no matter how heartbreaking that decision is.
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:hugsI forgot to tell you guys I’d be absent today and tomorrow mostly.

Dog doula job out of state.

Only read 2 pages. My eyes are tired. Got on the road before the crack of dawn. Just getting to bed.
Mama had 7 pups. Two more than showed up on sonogram. All are well.

So sorry about Puddin, Henny. Thank you for giving that sweetie pie a peaceful exit. :hugs

And poor Willow!
I’m sorry @pitbullmomma ,
Get hubs to buy some of those screws with the attached washers. They are great for securing hardware cloth, well- securely.
They’re in the section of Home Depot where the corrugated roofing panels are. Like $6 a box. Well worth it.

Traveling home tomorrow afternoon.
$ 6 a box - wow!!! I didn't know what I was doing when I covered the dog runs with that (just 2 runs at the time-was downsizing). My father refused to help but, waited till I finished to criticize harshly. I didn't care, it worked. Neither rain nor snow got through it but, the runs were low, so you really had to crouch down to clean up under there. First time I did it, a wasp stung me. Wasn't even anywhere near him. Guess he couldn't figure out an escape route.
what kind of pups Stacy?
Vizslas. They are a Hungarian hunting breed.
Yellow house farm is in Connecticut and has rose comb white dorkings. They will do well in both cold and heat
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

I watched "Chicken People" a while ago. It was good, but it was pretty clear that the producers regarded the whole production as an oddity to poke fun at rather than a serious hobby-slash-lifestyle. They go out of their way to make the parties involved seem as eccentric as possible. Also, I wish they'd stop already with the chicken puns. :barnie We hear those constantly from the city people, we don't need to hear them from a documentary too!

I really liked the young man's bantam Leghorns that they showed in part of it. The cock especially—what a beautiful bird.
There was so many gorgeous birds in that video. I guess I expected the people to be more like us all here. But it makes sense it'd be edited to look as outlandish as possible. Though, while we like our birds to be pretty none of us show chickens so maybe that's a different type of person.

Seems like any of these animal people documentaries make fun of us... The dog show one on PBS was the same.
I grew up showing dogs and there was lots of politics and goofiness, but nothing like they showed
I liken it to those dance mom & pageant shows. I mean, some people we saw are pretty extra there events, but what I saw there was wayyyyy less like the tv shows.

I'll bet. Hmm, maybe we should band together and make an accurate documentary. :caf
I'll support you from the sidelines. There's no way I'm getting my butt in front of a camera.

Time got away from me yesterday and I was bunning up for the night saw it was time to do the round up and just didn't put it down.
I even tried not to leave it out there but still did.
No pockets, can't have stuff in my hands because Sallie needs help getting up with the others, brush really never had a chance once it left the house. :p
Next time stick it in the band of your pants & hope you don't drop it on the coop floor.
I don't own any pants without pockets :confused:
I don't have anything that needs to be dry cleaned either.
2 pet peeves of mine:cool:
I own dry clean only stuff, but I don't realize it until I bought it (or someone gave it to me)... but I always forget and toss it in the washer & hang dry if I catch it. The only thing I ruined was a silk blouse that I forgot about. My daughter's coat was dry clean, but I made sure I didn't put that in the dryer.

I've started making my own clothes more frequently after becoming frustrated with the pocket size in women's clothes. Seriously... how am I supposed to fit stuff in a pocket so tiny I can't even get my hand in??
I buy pants in the men's section, which helps, but for skirts I don't have that option ;)
Some skirts do have pockets! My daughter has a cute dress that has pockets too. She was so excited. They're not huge, but she can fit her whole hand in them. If you find a skirt that has seams on both sides you can put in your own pockets.

My hoodie is a lie, it has pockets with zippers but they're so shallow that they are useless. I should have unzipped before I purchased, but who thinks they'd make crap pockets that don't hold anything zip?:barnie
Tiny zipper pockets are for your drugs, so they don't fall out.

Love me some good pockets!
My leather coat for riding has 2 inner and 3 outer all are big enough to hold a lot.

I too buy mens jeans for the durability and better pocket size.

I took Puddin for her last vet visit. The consensus was she had a stroke. She went very very peacefully.
Honestly it is a relief to have it over. She was really struggling.


What I came home to. :hit

I got home from work and went outside to check the chooks. I went in the backyard and lo and behold, I have chickens (!) strolling (!) around, free, in the yard. Big Bird just walking around with her big white poof, like I just let them free range, unsupervised. Half of my big girls (and the Originals) walking around, free, all over the backyard.

Big pile of feathers on the ground.

I start screaming for my husband to come out here..."What the feck..why are my chickens strolling around??!! Go get the keys!!!" because I am doing a head count and coming up one short. I look in the coop, my sweet Brahma bantam, Willow, is gone.

Clueless DH is like, "I heard Bucco barking and sniffing around under the deck before when I let them out, you better check under the deck" (and why didn't you think to look at the time? Not that it would have mattered).

I go running towards the deck, take a flying leap over a big log that is by the firepit, gash my shin, land on my bad wrist, while noticing the pile of unmoving chicken under the deck that used to be one of my favorite chickens, Willow. Sweet Willow, who would always fly up on my shoulder when I got mealworms, sweet Willow, who would peck the back of my pants if I wasn't paying enough attention to her. I loved that chicken. Something got her and ripped her throat out.

Somehow, the side of the run that DH had covered in hardware cloth had come open. There is a breach. DH says the staples must have popped out, and so he nailed it. So Maya must have gotten out through a small breach, it wasn't my fault, I am not a bad chicken mom, I didn't miss her at headcount. Doesn't make me feel any better.

Meanwhile, in the other (secure) smaller run, my sweet Serama Suzi somehow has half the top of her beak ripped off, a chunk out of her comb, blood all over her chest, tail down, looking traumatized and with an empty crop at sundown.

I just spent the last hour and a half trying to get her to eat and drink (which she finally did, thank you @rjohns39 for your ghostly voice in my head telling me to get a can of tuna, cuz the lifesaving egg/olive oil/mealworm shake just wasn't that appealing). I put her in a hospital cage in the garage. I am nursing my traumatized self with a Founders Breakfast Stout, which my almost-equally traumatized husband was nice enough to get me while I was cleaning the blood off of Suzi.

If I lose one more chicken (or anything else happens) I am getting a game cam and a live stream. And perhaps a shotgun (wait, did Yoga Girl just say that? Yes she did).

RIP, sweet Willow. I will miss you badly. :hit

(Edited, as usual, for the world's worst typing. Feck it.)
So sorry, but at least you no know what's going on and can stop it. I'd look at the whole run and secure all the stapled areas with washers. I'm guessing you have a raccoon. Get a trap set up.

@21hens-incharge :hugsIt's never easy. Even if you know it's right.

:hugs to you too! I'll never forget the girl I found attempted to be taken by a hawk.

Tell DH to use screws with washers. If it's a raccoon they can pull staples out. I wouldn't put nails past them either.
@WVduckchick I just noticed your new avatar. Is that a new pet? Looks almost like one of your Cochins had a fun time with a pigeon.

@Redhead Rae sorry, I miss a lot of tags and was catching up reading here :(
It’s not a cross, it’s full pigeon! I have a pair that hatched 2 babies (one died at 5 days old) and I just bought 5 more adults this past Saturday. They are called Oriental Frills or Satinettes.

This is the young one, hatched Dec 2nd
4 of the new 5, kept them inside overnight, it was dark when we got home

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