Here’s the thing, I never met the doctor that performed the c-section until the night before he did the operation. I was working with midwives and attempting a home birth that didn’t happen. Also, the hospital where the c-section wasn’t the hospital he generally worked out of. He was the doctor on call.

There has to be records somewhere.

Rae, keep after them.
My son was a VBAC. My doctor that had reviewed my surgery records was out of town. The other doctors that handled the delivery did not have the information that he had. It would have helped a lot. They left me in hard labor way to long (36 hours).

Don't give up on getting your medical records!
There has to be records somewhere.

Rae, keep after them.
My son was a VBAC. My doctor that had reviewed my surgery records was out of town. The other doctors that handled the delivery did not have the information that he had. It would have helped a lot. They left me in hard labor way to long (36 hours).

Don't give up on getting your medical records!
I agree with Henny @Redhead Rae.
Keep after them!

I was a VBAC by the way.
Back when it was NEVER done.

My mom had an unbelievably traumatic cesarean delivery of my brother. Total placental abruption.
Her exterior incision went from her belly button to her pubic bone.
That means her inside incision was huge too.
They were in a hurry.

Oh my god!!!!! My mom used to tell this story so perfectly!

I was born in 1962. She had me VBAC because she dragged her feet on purpose getting to the hospital because she didn’t want another cesarean. She was eating cornflakes with banana slices, standing up with her legs crossed while her best friend was ironing her nightgowns before they packed them in her suitcase. And my dad and the best friend’s husband were downstairs having a “drink” to kill time.

Rather than drop the ladies off at the door to the hospital my dad parked two blocks away. (It was a city hospital.)
My dad and the other husband were wayyyyyy ahead of the ladies because my mom kept being stopped by contractions.

Then the hospital couldn’t reach her doctor. They left messages for him all over town.

It was the first day of work for the new residents and the kid who showed up hadn’t deivered a baby “all by himself yet” so he literally laid across my mom’s lower abdomen while studying a textbook.

The head nurse told him to get out of the way, that she’d delivered “plenty” of babies “all by herself”.

As I was coming out, my moms real doctor showed up, but since his hands were dirty, AND HE WAS SMOKING A CIGARETTE IN THE DELIVERY ROOM,
The nurse delivered me!

I agree with Henny @Redhead Rae.
Keep after them!

I was a VBAC by the way.
Back when it was NEVER done.

My mom had an unbelievably traumatic cesarean delivery of my brother. Total placental abruption.
Her exterior incision went from her belly button to her pubic bone.
That means her inside incision was huge too.
They were in a hurry.

Oh my god!!!!! My mom used to tell this story so perfectly!

I was born in 1962. She had me VBAC because she dragged her feet on purpose getting to the hospital because she didn’t want another cesarean. She was eating cornflakes with banana slices, standing up with her legs crossed while her best friend was ironing her nightgowns before they packed them in her suitcase. And my dad and the best friend’s husband were downstairs having a “drink” to kill time.

Rather than drop the ladies off at the door to the hospital my dad parked two blocks away. (It was a city hospital.)
My dad and the other husband were wayyyyyy ahead of the ladies because my mom kept being stopped by contractions.

Then the hospital couldn’t reach her doctor. They left messages for him all over town.

It was the first day of work for the new residents and the kid who showed up hadn’t deivered a baby “all by himself yet” so he literally laid across my mom’s lower abdomen while studying a textbook.

The head nurse told him to get out of the way, that she’d delivered “plenty” of babies “all by herself”.

As I was coming out, my moms real doctor showed up, but since his hands were dirty, AND HE WAS SMOKING A CIGARETTE IN THE DELIVERY ROOM,
The nurse delivered me!


Wow, what a story!
Good morning! Day is starting off pretty good, nothing has died yet. Did go out with the morning treat in my pocket instead of my hand....mistake!
My fingers got bitten so much! Brats assume iv'e got something for them and just go for it.
Got back inside and the cat took a crap that has fogged up the entire house, lovely.:caf
I agree with Henny @Redhead Rae.
Keep after them!

I was a VBAC by the way.
Back when it was NEVER done.

My mom had an unbelievably traumatic cesarean delivery of my brother. Total placental abruption.
Her exterior incision went from her belly button to her pubic bone.
That means her inside incision was huge too.
They were in a hurry.

Oh my god!!!!! My mom used to tell this story so perfectly!

I was born in 1962. She had me VBAC because she dragged her feet on purpose getting to the hospital because she didn’t want another cesarean. She was eating cornflakes with banana slices, standing up with her legs crossed while her best friend was ironing her nightgowns before they packed them in her suitcase. And my dad and the best friend’s husband were downstairs having a “drink” to kill time.

Rather than drop the ladies off at the door to the hospital my dad parked two blocks away. (It was a city hospital.)
My dad and the other husband were wayyyyyy ahead of the ladies because my mom kept being stopped by contractions.

Then the hospital couldn’t reach her doctor. They left messages for him all over town.

It was the first day of work for the new residents and the kid who showed up hadn’t deivered a baby “all by himself yet” so he literally laid across my mom’s lower abdomen while studying a textbook.

The head nurse told him to get out of the way, that she’d delivered “plenty” of babies “all by herself”.

As I was coming out, my moms real doctor showed up, but since his hands were dirty, AND HE WAS SMOKING A CIGARETTE IN THE DELIVERY ROOM,
The nurse delivered me!

Wow, crazy story!

What I'm hoping for, if they can't find my records, is that I can still try for a VBAC even if I have to sign something that says I understand the potential risks and want to try anyway. At least one of the midwives I've met with for my current practitioners has stated multiple times that they hospital has "standard policies" but that I'm an adult patient that can refuse any treatment I care to. They are also set up for crash c-sections if necessary.

I think it is worth it to try. The numbers are after 1 c-section that I have a 1/200 chance of having a "rupture", which can be anything to a tiny tear in the muscle to a catastrophic rupture (complete opening of the uterus). Only 1% of those ruptures are catastrophic, and only 6% of the catastrophic ruptures are fatal to mother or baby.
I agree with Henny @Redhead Rae.
Keep after them!

I was a VBAC by the way.
Back when it was NEVER done.

My mom had an unbelievably traumatic cesarean delivery of my brother. Total placental abruption.
Her exterior incision went from her belly button to her pubic bone.
That means her inside incision was huge too.
They were in a hurry.

Oh my god!!!!! My mom used to tell this story so perfectly!

I was born in 1962. She had me VBAC because she dragged her feet on purpose getting to the hospital because she didn’t want another cesarean. She was eating cornflakes with banana slices, standing up with her legs crossed while her best friend was ironing her nightgowns before they packed them in her suitcase. And my dad and the best friend’s husband were downstairs having a “drink” to kill time.

Rather than drop the ladies off at the door to the hospital my dad parked two blocks away. (It was a city hospital.)
My dad and the other husband were wayyyyyy ahead of the ladies because my mom kept being stopped by contractions.

Then the hospital couldn’t reach her doctor. They left messages for him all over town.

It was the first day of work for the new residents and the kid who showed up hadn’t deivered a baby “all by himself yet” so he literally laid across my mom’s lower abdomen while studying a textbook.

The head nurse told him to get out of the way, that she’d delivered “plenty” of babies “all by herself”.

As I was coming out, my moms real doctor showed up, but since his hands were dirty, AND HE WAS SMOKING A CIGARETTE IN THE DELIVERY ROOM,
The nurse delivered me!


I am werid
When I got to the end I thought
4 out of 5 Dr s recommend lucky strike

I am werid
When I got to the end I thought
4 out of 5 Dr s recommend lucky strike
My mom always had so many great DETAILS in her version of the story.
Like when he came over to listen to me with the fetal stethoscope (the head kind, can’t think of its technical name right this second) the hand holding the cigarette was right over her belly and she said the ash was so long it was about to drop off and she was afraid he’d burn her tummy.
@Redhead Rae You are allowed to make decisions for you and your baby despite "hospital policy". There are plenty of stories of women being bullied into doing things they didn't want to because they were told it's policy.
Most of the time it's to make life easier for the doctor or nurses. Not because it's in your best interest.
@Redhead Rae You are allowed to make decisions for you and your baby despite "hospital policy". There are plenty of stories of women being bullied into doing things they didn't want to because they were told it's policy.
Most of the time it's to make life easier for the doctor or nurses. Not because it's in your best interest.
@Redhead Rae You are allowed to make decisions for you and your baby despite "hospital policy". There are plenty of stories of women being bullied into doing things they didn't want to because they were told it's policy.
Most of the time it's to make life easier for the doctor or nurses. Not because it's in your best interest.
Yup, I know this, 100%. I'm just glad that at least one of the midwives I've talked to has given me that reassurance. I've done a LOT of research and I'm hopeful that they will support me, even if I don't follow hospital policy. I left a message with the office yesterday that I want to talk to one of the two midwives I've met with about what the plan will be if they can't get a hold of my op report. I really don't want to wait another 3.5 weeks until my next appointment to discuss it.

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