Hey everyone! Just letting you all know that it's that time of year again and the thread has been started for the 10th annual Easter Hatch a long!

Hey everyone! Just letting you all know that it's that time of year again and the thread has been started for the 10th annual Easter Hatch a long!

I wish, but I've decided not to hatch until I'm in my new house. That plan might change if the house keeps getting delayed. We now can't close until Thurs-Fri. We were going to close to day, but the insurance agent couldn't get the quote revised for the "two houses" scenario for today. :he
I wish, but I've decided not to hatch until I'm in my new house. That plan might change if the house keeps getting delayed. We now can't close until Thurs-Fri. We were going to close to day, but the insurance agent couldn't get the quote revised for the "two houses" scenario for today. :he
easter is late
LF chicken: 21 days to hatch; set March 30th

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