Henny im surprised you aren't climbing the walls.
That is a whole lot of B.S dominos to fall in four years.
You need about ten vacations.
These last 4 years have been very trying indeed.
I quit my job because I was to sick to continue it.
Vinnie (first malamute) developed cancer and passed away.
Sable came here.
Delilah came here.
Sparky passed away.
Diabetes happened.
Tilly came here.
River came here.
Tilly almost died.
Jack passed away.
Covid struck the country.
Aluah came here.
Kitty passed away.
River had an emergency rockectomy.

Yeah, I have been a hot mess. Looking at it all typed out it makes sense that I am struggling.

I need a vacation.
Henny im surprised you aren't climbing the walls.
That is a whole lot of B.S dominos to fall in four years.
You need about ten vacations.

For real! It's more B.S. than anyone should have to deal with.

I am super grateful for all of the Squatchers. Seriously I wouldn't have survived it all without you guys.
We all survived the day.
Tilly seems to feel better. She asked for chicken (I had boiled some chicken for their morning feedings). It was on the counter cooling some to go in the fridge.
I went ahead and prepared an evening meal of chopped chicken, broth and dog food. She ate it like she was hungry. She had been picking at her food. After she ate she tried to get Sable to play so that is good too.
As long as food goes in one end, gets processed and comes out the other I will call it good.

I have 43 rows to go on the blanket. It should be done by Friday. I will post a pic when I get it done.
Good morning!
I passed out early last night so I got a whole lot of sleep.
I think or rather I hope hubs brought me hash browns from waffle house when he came home.
I woke up at 3:48 eating a plate of them with my hands.
They were good, but a fork would have made them slightly less surprising. :D
:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day

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