Eventually her PCP medicated her. She refused counseling. It helped for quite awhile, but either he increased her dose, OR she did. At the higher dose, she had trouble functioning. BUT that's another story.

To be clear, her PCP was not overly qualified to diagnose her mental problems effectively, and with her refusing to talk to a mental healthcare professional, he did the best he could with what he knew.
O. M. G.

We made it into Urban Dictionary, my Squatchy little frands!!! It's not in there yet, but according to the UD Gods, it will be soon. Check it: (I got this email eariier.) YYYYYYAAAAASSSSSS queens!!!!!!! :lau :lau :lau


Thanks for defining jamoaning!

Editors read your definition and decided to publish it on Urban Dictionary.

It should appear here soon: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jamoaning

Urban Dictionary



Jamoaning: The sound one emits while eating a $300 piece of Serrano Jamon. This is the sound doves make when they cry.

"She was still JAMOANING over that teensy slice of $300 ham she ate two nights ago. It was, like, the best thing she ever had in her mouth."


Booyah!! I crack myself up, lol.
Who entered jamoning into the Urban dictionary? I think it was @pitbullmomma but I'm not sure. Does anyone remember?
Hi keeks!
Eventually her PCP medicated her. She refused counseling. It helped for quite awhile, but either he increased her dose, OR she did. At the higher dose, she had trouble functioning. BUT that's another story.

To be clear, her PCP was not overly qualified to diagnose her mental problems effectively, and with her refusing to talk to a mental healthcare professional, he did the best he could with what he knew.
Yeah, theres only so much they can do. Theres little to no mental health care training in general healthcare. She was probably afraid of the stigma that accompanies mental health anything. My mother is the same except for the fact she never had meds, that im aware of.
Good morning all
Was hot and humid when I got up. Raining now, which I need. Flood watch to the north, hoping it's staying north like they say.
I have a 12 wk cockerel awol in for a couple might..... sleeping in the trees out of reach. Finally spotted him this morning.
Ummm 2 inches so far and the main storm is still to the north.....may have to run out and get the box traps out of the bottom.

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