Does anyone have Buns? And if so do you have them on any auto food/water systems? I have been on the hunt for good metal Gravity fed water bowls that can be hooked to a water line system..
@Molpet I have a spoiled rotten house floofer.
He doesn't count.

@Hope Hughes @RoosterML has a neat auto watering system for his quail cages. I think it might work for rabbits but it's a nipple system.

I use one of these:

Trebbie has never knocked it over but I know/have heard that rabbits can knock waterers over easily.
I use one of these:
Yea i have tried those and they either knock it over or chew on the plastic 😑pain in the butt buns
@RoosterML has a neat auto watering system
Aweome i will see if i can find it.

I had them on a nipple system before but it just didnt seem like they got enough water from them.

I wish I could have them in our house but between the cats and our hunting dog it was a disaster 😆
Yea i have tried those and they either knock it over or chew on the plastic 😑pain in the butt buns

Aweome i will see if i can find it.

I had them on a nipple system before but it just didnt seem like they got enough water from them.

I wish I could have them in our house but between the cats and our hunting dog it was a disaster 😆
Here is his Youtube channel

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