Well, seems like i either have a kidney stone, had a kidney stone, or im on the back end of a kidney infection. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø im glad i mentioned the pain I was having in my back otherwise it wouldve been just a stomach bug pretty much. Makes me wonder though, ive had much worse pain than that but nothing else so i never went to the doctor. I just laid down and rested.
Hi everyone!

Wow. Itā€™s been 2 months since we took in the foster kids. Itā€™s been a wild, crazy, frustrating, hard ride. At times it feels like things arenā€™t working and weā€™re just bashing our heads against the wall but other times things are good. Itā€™s a really big change. Itā€™s so much harder dealing with older kids with issues than it ever was with a newborn. Going from 3 to 5 makes watching our three feel like a cakewalk. Itā€™s the uncertainty that is getting to me. Itā€™s really hard. These boys really shouldnā€™t go back to their parents, but the system is so screwed up that they really may just be sent back. The whole situation was a lot worse than we originally believed it was. We find out more stuff all the time. Itā€™s crazy.

The Things are doing well and they are growing up so quick. The Milk Drinker is now 19 months and is starting to talk up a storm. Things 1 and 2 are enjoying having playmates but at the same time there seems to be 5 times the fighting and problems.

Itā€™s just rough all around. Thank God for my mom and MIL. My mom has really helped by watching the 4 older boys more often, giving us much needed breaks. Weā€™ve also started more intensively homeschooling since the fosters are of the age weā€™re they are required to be in school but we have permission to homeschool. My MIL is working with the older boy (7 yo) with his schoolwork every day and DH is trying to teach him to read. He barely knew his letters and numbers when we started working with him. The younger foster (6 yo) is closer in mental age to Thing 2 (3 yo) and doesnā€™t know his letters or numbers at all. He had a genetic disorder and damage from a stroke during a surgery when he was a young baby. However, he is definitely more capable than we were lead to believe and has been coddled and pacified his entire life because heā€™s ā€œspecialā€. He hasnā€™t liked being made to follow the same rules as everyone else and not getting his way. That has been the source of most of the problems for us.

Iā€™m other news, I found a buyer for my little gilt who is actually 8 months now. I need to work on finding buyers for my boarlets now too.

Oh. Iā€™ll have to tell you the story of the wild pig that wandered out of the woods a few weeks ago. That was a crazy day.

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