Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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I love their little chicken. They are just so adorable!!!
Our KC hen’s but points up and to her right 45 degrees. The drakes go after her first. Also she is the second best flyer in the flock. I think butt angles are genetic and nothing to worry about. As far as flying, she is the second best to the KC drake.

That's good to know, we were thinking it was genetics. The little duckling is just so tiny, I think I'm just worried about the lil one.

That's also good to know butts dont affect flying ability. Luckily I dont think ancona ducks can fly, so no worries there at least.
OMG soooooo cute!!! And wow that one little Ancona sure is tiny!!

I know! I'm so worried about the lil one getting enough food, and nutrition. We are also keeping a close eye to be sure the other ducklings are not picking on the lil one.

Also lil one had a bit of crust(?)on their eye the last few days, but today it looked so much better. We are still going to keep a watch on the lil ones eye to make sure it continues to look good.
I know! I'm so worried about the lil one getting enough food, and nutrition. We are also keeping a close eye to be sure the other ducklings are not picking on the lil one.

Also lil one had a bit of crust(?)on their eye the last few days, but today it looked so much better. We are still going to keep a watch on the lil ones eye to make sure it continues to look good.

Do you have any poultry nutridrench? She might benefit from a little dose of that! Might help her perk her up and give her some needed nutrients directly.
They are adorable little things you sure did hit the jackpot. Have your neighbors been over to see the new babies yet?

Thank you Miss Lydia, I really feel like I have hit the Jack pot!

No neibour visits yet, letting them get use to all the new changes first. I think the ducklings are doing really well so far, so hopefully soon they can have visits :)

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