What does this mean? Never heard of it before.
Conditioning something when you dehydrate it means you put it in a jar with a lid for awhile, 24 hours to a week, depending on the food. You shake the jar a few times a day to check for moisture. If there is no moisture or condensation after the time, you are good to store it for long term. Any moisture and you know it needs to dehydrate for longer
But do you get high afternoon heat? It doesn't necessarily mean not enough water, but not enough water at a certain time period of growth.
Yes, we get very hot in the afternoon. But I've been in my garden daily, it has plenty of water in the afternoon. My potatoes are actually rotting in their pots because it has rained so much
Conditioning something when you dehydrate it means you put it in a jar with a lid for awhile, 24 hours to a week, depending on the food. You shake the jar a few times a day to check for moisture. If there is no moisture or condensation after the time, you are good to store it for long term. Any moisture and you know it needs to dehydrate for longer
Ah! I do that, just didn't know it had a name. Thanks!
One tray of Cream Sausage tomato slices from the freeze dryer, today. Probably enough ripe ones now to fill a couple more trays, for the next run
Ignorant question here... why can you do one but not the other? I'm glad to know this, as eventually, our 42 year old stove will die. I will not be getting a glass top stove for this reason.
I'm only 24 pages into this thread and I know this question is quite old so I don't know if anyone ever answered, but essentially a glass top stove can vacuum seal to the bottom of the pot and shatter the glass. You can use certain pots I believe but they have to have specific bottoms so that they don't create a seal. And I believe in some cases the heat transfer isn't effective enough to properly heat the jars, but it's been a very long time since I researched that, so I don't know if that's accurate.

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