Our tomatoes are not doing well. We may end up buying some. That's disappointing. My daughter's grape tomato plants are looking beautiful though!
That's a shame. What's wrong with them? My parents discovered their tomatoes have blossom end rot, they're pretty bummed. I told them I'll have lots to give them
How do you make it?
I've been looking online but it seems you cut the onions up and dry them in either your oven or a food dehydrater. Food dehydrater takes longer but I might do that way, it's too hot to turn the oven on and keep it propped open. Then you grind the dried onions. I bought a spice grinder because I don't want to grind onions in my blender, I use that for protein shakes. Don't want onion flavored protein shakes!
That's a shame. What's wrong with them? My parents discovered their tomatoes have blossom end rot, they're pretty bummed. I told them I'll have lots to give them

I've been looking online but it seems you cut the onions up and dry them in either your oven or a food dehydrater. Food dehydrater takes longer but I might do that way, it's too hot to turn the oven on and keep it propped open. Then you grind the dried onions. I bought a spice grinder because I don't want to grind onions in my blender, I use that for protein shakes. Don't want onion flavored protein shakes!
I was going to try something similar with my garlic! It stores pretty well until spring, but hub likes using the powder sometimes because it’s faster. 😂
That's a shame. What's wrong with them? My parents discovered their tomatoes have blossom end rot, they're pretty bummed. I told them I'll have lots to give them.
Not really sure. I think some sort of blight. DD's tomatoes are far enough away they don't seem to be bothered. Hope it stays that way. It's her summer project. She hopes to sell them.
I was going to try something similar with my garlic! It stores pretty well until spring, but hub likes using the powder sometimes because it’s faster. 😂
Garlic powder is my next thing I'm gonna try but I didn't grow any so I have to see what the stores have. Or the farmers markets. Onions are drying now...
Tomato blossom end rot could be caused by not watering enough or lack of calcium. Try to add gypsum to the soil and mulch around the plants.
It's def from lack of calcium here. We don't have an issue with not enough water. I always put crushed egg shells in with the plants when I plant them, haven't had issues with end rot. My mom will be giving her plants egg shell water and egg shells. Hopefully she can save some
So, here is the onion powder. Onions took a little over ten hours in the dehydrator, then I ground them. I also put a food safe silica gel packet in the jar, don't want to risk mold. Next time, I will condition the onions before I grind them, to be extra safe
Garlic powder is my next thing I'm gonna try but I didn't grow any so I have to see what the stores have. Or the farmers markets. Onions are drying now...

It's def from lack of calcium here. We don't have an issue with not enough water. I always put crushed egg shells in with the plants when I plant them, haven't had issues with end rot. My mom will be giving her plants egg shell water and egg shells. Hopefully she can save some
But do you get high afternoon heat? It doesn't necessarily mean not enough water, but not enough water at a certain time period of growth.

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