Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

k i need some advice,

incubator STINKS! i know something in there is bad, cant find it. candled and got rid of three quiters this morning. Everyone looks good and is veining and moving. but
i cant see thru the maran eggs well enough to confirm dead. what do i do? before it explodes!

k i need some advice,

incubator STINKS! i know something in there is bad, cant find it. candled and got rid of three quiters this morning. Everyone looks good and is veining and moving. but
i cant see thru the maran eggs well enough to confirm dead. what do i do? before it explodes!

Smell each egg
ok seriously...

its just that simple? they wont all smell from being in the incubator?

ok ill give it a go!

I found that for my darker eggs and when I candled for lockdown last night I place the egg on the candler then use my led flashlight from above it gives me enough light to see if the eggs are still good.

Speaking of which, 6 of the 8 eggs from my first clutch went into lockdown last night.
Update on my eggs, it of eleven quail eggs only four seem to be developing well I pulled three last night. And all five of the chicken eggs have heart beats and excellent veining even the three with small cracks.
Down to 1 egg. I eggtopsied the dead egg and the chick had been stuck to the shell and it had a deformed leg. One was normal and the other was normal but facing the wrong way. Kinda cool but also gross.
How do you KNOW, for sure, that it's time to give up on and remove an egg. I understand if they smell, ooze, or have a blood ring. Comparing my eggs I have definate keepers - two are super wiggly and one that I've not witnessed any moving inside but otherwise is growing darker and veiny like the other two. My most active one has a fully detached air sac :( hoping for the best & hatching all upright. Also read to stop turning detached air sac eggs on day 16...? Anyway, my other eggs I'm having a hard time removing. Basically they look clear except a dark shadow inside - is it just the yolk getting darker? One had what looked like a dark thick vein about a quarter of an inch long for several days but the red line is now detached from the shell and really dark. Assuming that's a quitter. Sorry to be so lengthy, I'm really afraid of tossing out a viable egg so I'm trying to describe what I see. All are brown eggs & kind of hard to see through. Oh - I'm on day 14.
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I'm on day 16. I had been watching that egg for a few days because I thought something was off about it. I had seen it move a few days ago, so I knew what to look for. Today it didn't move at all. It was about an inch long and completely still. It was dead an starting to decay (without smell) slightly. It was losing feathers (yes it had feathers at day 16, I thought that odd). My older sister was standing next to me when I broke it open. She said the tiny chick was cute. Huge head and eyes and tiny wings and body. I put it in a bag to dispose of it and my sister had me show my mom. She said it looked like a fish.... I have no idea why.

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