Severely Injured Chicken


6 Years
Jan 29, 2013
This morning my dog got into our run and killed 2 of our four chickens. One escaped to the nearby goat pen and one is severely injured. I moved her into a dog kennel up by the house so I can monitor her. I've offered her water and chick mash (with antibiotics...I thought this my help since it's medicated). She won't take either so far. She is dazed and standing (won't lay down). Her back is missing most feathers and looks like she has several puncture type wounds. What should I do? Should I attempt to clean her wounds and what should I use. Any help is appreciated!
I would leave her alone in a pen or crate with food and water. Keep her in a warm place since she is in shock. If she perks up in a few hours, then clean her wounds with weak betadine, antiseptic soap, or peroxide once, then dry the wounds and apply plain Neosporin ointment to the wounds twice daily. Many times like this there are internal injuries that cause them to not eat or drink. Scramble or boil an egg and chop it up for her to eat. I hope she makes it, and starts to act normal.

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