Some people just make you wonder .....

Me and DH were at the TS getting feed for the chickens/ducks - when we got to the counter the girl sees the bags marked Poultry feed and asked " You have chickens ?" but it was asked in the eww gross tone of voice ... We told her yes - she than asked " what do you do with the eggs? " we told her we eat them ( DUH ) she than asks what color eggs ( this is the part that DH LOVES to tell ) he says right now we get about 2 light brown and one green egg a day ( he is proud of HIS green egg ) If I had a camera to get the look on her face !! she says " eww you eat those? I only eat white eggs from the store ! that is so gross you eat brown and green eggs "

perhaps she thinks that green eggs are green inside instead of the usual white/orange!​
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we had to go back to the TS last night for some quickstop and an application I was hoping she was working so I could let her know that my DH loves to eat duck eggs and the are green also LOL

Don't know if this was just a New England thing or nationwide, but back in the 80s or maybe even 70s some group (Egg Bureau??) ran an ad campaign for years that said, "Brown Eggs are Local Eggs and Local Eggs are fresh!" They had lots of people beliving the strangest things. That white egg laying hens weren't raised in New England. Or white egg laying hens were mostly meat birds. Or that no one outside of New England even ate brown shelled eggs so they were only raised in New England. And mostly that if it was a brown egg it was guaranteed to be fresh....

The ad ran for years and I still know people who can sing the jingle!
It doesn't surprise me one bit that this clerk at tractor supply didn't know anything about poultry. Our local TS is in the city and mostly caters to the suburban lawnmowers and horse people. I would really be surprise to find anyone knowledgeable on chickens there, in fact I would be really surprised if most people that work at feed stores know anything on poultry.
I try to enlighten most of my non-chicken wo-workers and relatives on poultry. I either get people who love hearing about this or ones that hate it. My brother and his wife are animal haters big time(other than dogs) and if I even mention chickens they always have some smart remark or make fun of me.
What I really think is funny is people in the store paying big time for brown eggs thinking all farm eggs are brown. And yeah the ones who pay extra for cage free eggs. I tell them yeah they are cage free, they are thousands cramed into a barn!
It is funny...I work at TSC and I am the ONLY person there that knows anything about chickens, ducks, geese, etc. Everytime someone comes in with animal related questions..I am paged to go help out. No one there knows a thing about anything!!! Pretty surprising for a Tractor and farm supply store!! I have been there a year and still the people there think I am the weirdo because I do have all these "farm" animals.....cracks me up!! So therefore I am NOT surprised at all that she knew nothing about chickens and acted grossed out!! LOL
There is one guy that works there who LOVES my eggs and can not wait every weekend to get some more!!
I was bringing them in one day and one of my managers asked me why I had eggs and why did I bring them to work with me??? I just replied and asked..what? He said are you going to hatch them or something? LOL...I said no, I was planning on egging your truck if you bother me today!! LOL.......He said oh ok.....really, why do you have them? I told him that the other guy was going to eat them and he just loked at me with this really grossed out look on his face and asked if I was serious....LOL Some people I tell ya'
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I was raised in the city, but my parents never had any dilusions about where there food came from. I married into a ranching family and now eat beef from cows I've known their whole lives and pork from pigs I saw as piglets. I'm getting my first chickens (of my own) today and I'm really excited about it. People are too far removed from their food sources. No wonder farmers have a hard time w/ neighbors when naive city people move next door to them in the country. I can't list how many times I've told people about where my food comes from and they've turned up their noses and said "My food comes from the store."
We got sent 10 RIR roosters to fill out my chick order, which wasn't very helpful as I don't even keep RIRs and only ordered 7 chicks...but anyway. We raised them until they were eating age, which was around the time of our wedding. My side of the family are from England, and so they came over a few days before the wedding. My husband and one of his friends butchered 8 of the chickens to make fajitas the first night, as it seemed pointless to buy chicken from the store when we had all the extras.

When my mom found out where the chicken came from she said "I can't eat your chickens, i've met them" LOL

Yesterday when I went grocery shopping I begrudgingly bought chicken. Given the choice I wouldn't eat anything I hadn't raised myself. We have 3 Cornish Rocks that must weigh 8lbs each, but I don't want to kill them because they are so nice. I think their time has come though. My husband doesn't like eating chicken, and we get free beef, but the doctor told him he needs to eat better, so i'll take any chance I can to stop eating beef every day.

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