Here are my tentative results.


Total 6
Total hatched- 7

Polish are extremely hard to sex. I have posted pics in the polish thread and waiting for a response. They are still very young, so I may not get any feedback right away.

Have to include pics of course!!



Total - 4
Total hatched 5

Total 11
(There are (2) I am undecided about)
Total hatched: 11
* please note that the 2 OE's I am undecided about are included in the female number.
Here is a picture of the undecideds below:

And here is a pic of all of the OE's
Now, I did not eliminate any eggs.
I predicted there would be 5 male polish out of the originals 8
I predicted that 3 out of the original 8 LF would be male
I predicted that 7 of the original 12 OE would be male

** remember I did not separate them by breed like you did.( I should have)
I just went by SI#
So I am really going off your numbers because what you did makes a whole lot more sense than my original thought.
Now if I look at who has a band on their foot(ones I predicted to be male)
I am not sure about the polish, however I was wrong on 1 possibly3 of the OE(depending on what the unknowns turn out to be.
I was correct on the LF
Thinking about it just now, in a scientific world my results would be tossed out as being inconclusive as I did not correctly separate the eggs by breed.
If I were to do this again, I would do what you did Tina, and just set all one breed and only set the eggs predicted to be female.
Oh, if only I had a scientific mind.
As far as the final results ....
I really need to wait on the polish and possibly wait another week to tell for sure on some of these other ones that could trick me and suddenly become more male like.
Since they are only 4 weeks old, I could have a few more males that are slower at showing traits.
@Nksg75 , I'm watching to see how closely your predictions came to your actual gender results.

As for Polish, I've never had them, but have read that the shape of the crest is an indication. Cockerel crest is more flat on top and triangular in shape, while pullet crest is more rounded.
Ok, that's very helpful. When am I supposed to look at the crest?
Was I supposed to look at them at hatch?
If so, I will go back and try to guess. If 4 weeks is the time, I would probably need to compare pics of other shoes and mine. The fact that some are frizzle makes it even more difficult for me.
I don't think you have just have a lot more to do and are pulled in more directions than before you had your kids! It's all good! I didn't mean to come across as telling you what to do or being critical of your process, if I did I apologize!! I just get focused on a project and my Type A brain wants to understand and sort everything out. Its great for my profession, but my husband tells me that in real life, I can be a little intense when working on things as I need it to be as perfect as I can make it. After 23 years of marriage he has learned that I'm not being critical of what was done, but stating out loud what my brain sees as the solution to the problem. So, please forgive me if I offended you!

Oh...and what is your first name? I'm Tina...referring to people as their screen name/profile name seems impersonal as we are lab partners in this experiment ;)

Thanks for wishing me luck!!! It's going to be a VERY LONG 21 days! I'm already checking the temperature and humidity many times a day! LOL...did I mention I'm Type A?:lau:idunno:barnie

I've updated the numbers below to reflect the chicks that didn't make it:
My Predictions:

You had one egg listed as "Brown", maybe that is the mystery chick? I'm guessing it was the only one of it's kind and it's number was 76.6997, so my guess without having any other eggs to compare it to is that it would be a pullet.

Didn't hatch?: 1 DIED IN BROODER

Didn't hatch?: 1 DIED IN BROODER

Females:1 1 DIS=0
Males:1 1 EUTH = 0
Didn't hatch?: 2 -(1 FEMALE (DIS); 1 MALE (EUTHANIZED)

Didn't hatch?:

We already know you have the following and the predictions were correct!:
Didn't hatch: 1
Actually Tina, I was wrong on the CCL. You were the one that was correct on that one.
This is why I never put a band on him. He came from the female hatcher, and I wanted to keep the male hatchers and the female hatchers separate regardless of what they end up being.

I had the male in the female hatcher.
The male I predicted was the one I placed in the male hatcher and never hatched. It was not developed enough to be able to identify.
Ok, that's very helpful. When am I supposed to look at the crest?
Was I supposed to look at them at hatch?

If so, I will go back and try to guess. If 4 weeks is the time, I would probably need to compare pics of other shoes and mine. The fact that some are frizzle makes it even more difficult for me.

No. I think the difference in crest form shows up as they are developing their secondary sexual characteristics. Again, I have never raised polish, but this is what I've read.
Hi Nellie,

I found this link while looking around trying to figure out how to sex polish chicks:

If you have some pictures of when they were just hatched, you may be able to figure it out? I've read quite a few threads that state that sexing frizzle Polish is difficult. We might have to wait till they start crowing! LOL!

As for the two OE's...if I look at the legs and combs, I'd guess that the one on the left is a pullet and the one on the right is a cockerel. The color of the comb of the one on the left is concerning...but that is my guess today ;)

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