I'll be asking questions when I pick them up, including where they came from, and health history. With her pink bill, I find her much more attractive than regular white ducks (aka Pekin look).

I've already named her Marshy (short for Marshmallow). The buff will be Cinnamon, and the Swedish is Turnip. :lau
So funny how we sometimes think of food when naming them. I have a dog named Candy, ducks named Chocolate, Sugar, Spice, Salt, Pepper, and a Oreo. Your new ones are Beautiful!!!
I'll be asking questions when I pick them up, including where they came from, and health history. With her pink bill, I find her much more attractive than regular white ducks (aka Pekin look).

I've already named her Marshy (short for Marshmallow). The buff will be Cinnamon, and the Swedish is Turnip. :lau
And i am eyeballing for some Pekin ducklings, because of that orange bill and legs. 🤣
Just afraid of the Pekin breed as a meat-bird, being prone to so many leg and hip-problems and i wouldn't know what to do if one of them would develop into a Ralphie Dux. Already have one…
[…] and had no idea about the buff, but I also figure a Buff Orpington, which is a breed I like. […]
Careful what you wish for: Some my Buff Orpingtons have turned out to be the loudest, feistiest, most for attention-begging dux i had. - Violeta, Buffy, Chaos and Buffzilla are all Buffies and Violeta is the smallest of all my ducks and by far the loudest, almost weapons-grade…
I'll be asking questions when I pick them up, including where they came from, and health history. With her pink bill, I find her much more attractive than regular white ducks (aka Pekin look).

I've already named her Marshy (short for Marshmallow). The buff will be Cinnamon, and the Swedish is Turnip. :lau
My black Swedish Ducks are Frieda (short for Annif-Frid), Sandals (because of her feet as a duckling),Ralpie (who was supposed to be a girl) and Boots (also his duxling feet).
The two blue Swedish dux are Smörre and Bröd - together SmörreBröd (Danish Butter and Bread) after the Chef of the Muppets-Show who was Danish in Germany…
I'm having enough!
What a dreary day that Saturday was! - Gray blanket overhead the whole day, smooth transitions from rain to snow to icy-rain and all that stuff is blown around horizontally by strong winds. And it was lousy cold! 🧊 268K forecasted overnight and for Sunday we'll be back to 289K. 😜
But the wild temperature swings are nothing compared to the ankledeep mud that those dang dux have created ion the hill in front of the house! How am i supposed to set up raised-beds on that? 🤯
And i am eyeballing for some Pekin ducklings, because of that orange bill and legs. 🤣
Just afraid of the Pekin breed as a meat-bird, being prone to so many leg and hip-problems and i wouldn't know what to do if one of them would develop into a Ralphie Dux. Already have one…
My only Duck with a large pink stripe on her bill is my Muscovy.. I wonder if that duck with the pink bill could have any of that in her?
I'm having enough!
What a dreary day that Saturday was! - Gray blanket overhead the whole day, smooth transitions from rain to snow to icy-rain and all that stuff is blown around horizontally by strong winds. And it was lousy cold! 🧊 268K forecasted overnight and for Sunday we'll be back to 289K. 😜
But the wild temperature swings are nothing compared to the ankledeep mud that those dang dux have created ion the hill in front of the house! How am i supposed to set up raised-beds on that? 🤯
Where there are ducks there is mud, lol. My pen also is mud right now and will be until I put down new sand and spring comes. It snowed two inches here Friday night into Saturday morning but was gone off of the streets and driveways from the ground being warm. With that many ducks Frank you will have to get really creative for raised beds. Mine are contained into a large pen so our raised beds are safe. It is only 21 degrees F out right now but will get up to 50 degrees F later today. We have had no winter to speak of here with very mild temperatures so when we get this little bit of snow and cold I can't complain a bit. The calendar says winter and it has been more like spring here all winter. We have been very fortunate. Your ducks are beautiful. I will soon have 17 and that will be my limit. If once dies off I will not be replacing it as a couple of them are getting up in age.
I'm having enough!
What a dreary day that Saturday was! - Gray blanket overhead the whole day, smooth transitions from rain to snow to icy-rain and all that stuff is blown around horizontally by strong winds. And it was lousy cold! 🧊 268K forecasted overnight and for Sunday we'll be back to 289K. 😜
But the wild temperature swings are nothing compared to the ankledeep mud that those dang dux have created ion the hill in front of the house! How am i supposed to set up raised-beds on that? 🤯
I feel absolutely no pity! :lau
And i am eyeballing for some Pekin ducklings, because of that orange bill and legs. 🤣
Just afraid of the Pekin breed as a meat-bird, being prone to so many leg and hip-problems and i wouldn't know what to do if one of them would develop into a Ralphie Dux. Already have one…
Everyone has their own preferences! I also don't like mallard-y looking ducks because they are to common-looking. I'm a strange person. 🤪

Careful what you wish for: Some my Buff Orpingtons have turned out to be the loudest, feistiest, most for attention-begging dux i had. - Violeta, Buffy, Chaos and Buffzilla are all Buffies and Violeta is the smallest of all my ducks and by far the loudest, almost weapons-grade…
Oh, my current one isn't friendly in the least, especially when she's broody! Violetta is making u for her lake in stature. ;) But Coco was such a wonderful mother, even after Cappy stole her babies, she hung in there and stole them back!

My black Swedish Ducks are Frieda (short for Annif-Frid), Sandals (because of her feet as a duckling),Ralpie (who was supposed to be a girl) and Boots (also his duxling feet).
The two blue Swedish dux are Smörre and Bröd - together SmörreBröd (Danish Butter and Bread) after the Chef of the Muppets-Show who was Danish in Germany…
That was so odd! Why change him? You couldn't understand a thing he was saying anyhow! :lau

I may be changing some of the names. The white layer may become Mochi, and the Swede will be Matcha. They are just much more fun as far as names go.

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