My Mallard duck is the best Momma duck I have ever had. She will brood a nest of ducklings and take care of them until they can be on their own. I just found her nest today and she had 6 eggs hid in it. I got them though as I have ordered two Call Ducklings from Metzer to come next month. I don't need any ducklings from her at this point even though I have a beautiful new drake and the eggs were fertile. She puts out drakes though so no need to have a bunch of them hatch out.
My black Swedish Ducks are Frieda (short for Annif-Frid), Sandals (because of her feet as a duckling),Ralpie (who was supposed to be a girl) and Boots (also his duxling feet).
The two blue Swedish dux are Smörre and Bröd - together SmörreBröd (Danish Butter and Bread) after the Chef of the Muppets-Show who was Danish in Germany…
i love swedish chef. when I took one of those silly online quizzes to see which Muppets character I am , I got Swedish chef.
My only Duck with a large pink stripe on her bill is my Muscovy.. I wonder if that duck with the pink bill could have any of that in her?
A detailed look at her bill would reveal that very quickly: Mule ducks almost always have that typical Muscovy bill with that large bean and there should be at least a trace of caruncles around the bill.
Where there are ducks there is mud, lol. My pen also is mud right now and will be until I put down new sand and spring comes. It snowed two inches here Friday night into Saturday morning but was gone off of the streets and driveways from the ground being warm. With that many ducks Frank you will have to get really creative for raised beds. Mine are contained into a large pen so our raised beds are safe. It is only 21 degrees F out right now but will get up to 50 degrees F later today. We have had no winter to speak of here with very mild temperatures so when we get this little bit of snow and cold I can't complain a bit. The calendar says winter and it has been more like spring here all winter. We have been very fortunate. Your ducks are beautiful. I will soon have 17 and that will be my limit. If once dies off I will not be replacing it as a couple of them are getting up in age.
I don't mind winter! - When it is really cold and the ground is frozen, i use the opportunity to cut down the three year old Sycamores as fence posts because they sit on a muddy hill. But this year the ground never really froze and when there's a »squish« instead of a »thudd« when the tree hits the ground you know that dragging that tree out of the growth will be "fun". 😢
This winter was too warm and way too wet, the hill behind the house is a wet sponge and i hope there won't be another slide like six years ago.
Oh, my current one isn't friendly in the least, especially when she's broody! Violetta is making u for her lake in stature. ;) But Coco was such a wonderful mother, even after Cappy stole her babies, she hung in there and stole them back!
Peace was never an option for Buff Orpingtons! - All my Buffies were skiddish and defensive and bad mothers. Violeta lost all her three ducklings last year shortly after they hatched, and most of Buffzillas eggs ended up in the CCI. The best mother ducks here were Katharina (Fawn & White Runner) and Pinball (so called Magpie).
That was so odd! Why change him? You couldn't understand a thing he was saying anyhow! :lau
That has happened a lot in Germany in the past:
  • The Swedish Chef became the Danish Chef
  • Huey, Dewey and Louie are known as Tick, Trick and Track in Germany
  • Uncle Scrooge became Uncle Dagobert
  • The warp-drive was renamed the Sol-Drive
  • and the list goes on
I assume, that when i grew up, English was not spoken by the majority of Germans at all and the companies/media were afraid that too many English references would alienate the product and people wouldn't buy. - Which doesn't explain the Danish Chef though…
My Magpie attempted to go broody, but I broke her, and she never went back. :( The previous year, she hatched out three chicks, but one drowned in a dish that was way too high for it to get into.

I'm going to try different set-ups this year, if I can manage it. I just need Spring to come earlier rather than later! Hopefully I don't lose most of my females, again!

That has happened a lot in Germany in the past:
  • The Swedish Chef became the Danish Chef
  • Huey, Dewey and Louie are known as Tick, Trick and Track in Germany
  • Uncle Scrooge became Uncle Dagobert
  • The warp-drive was renamed the Sol-Drive
  • and the list goes on
I assume, that when i grew up, English was not spoken by the majority of Germans at all and the companies/media were afraid that too many English references would alienate the product and people wouldn't buy. - Which doesn't explain the Danish Chef though…
A lot of those were different in the French versions, too. Can't remember what Huey, Louis, and Dewey were called, but Scrooge was Picsou (penny-pincher).. Never saw the Muppets in any other language.

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