Black head might need to be discussed since you have chickens. [sorry just had to say]
Glad your feeling better. Ever wondered where all that snot comes from after all our heads are only so big.
Lol! That's a great question Patti. :lau:lau:gig

I've contacted the FL state turkey biologist, but to be honest it was useless. I've actually called 3 avian vets too, and none of them where able to help me know if it's common in our area.

Is there a direct connection to BH and chickens?

I'm headed to google right now to do some more research, but last time I didn't get much info that way either. At least in regards to this area.
My spirits are much higher, but so are my mucus levels. In general though I fo feel better, just need to get my chest cleared out.
How's things going in the farm?

I've got a few questions for you. Would you think 5 White Midget Turkey poults @ $50 would be a good price? Do you have any experiences with WMTs (raising or eating)? With the winter here being much milder than most places, do you see any issues with raising poults over the winter?
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Blackhead is always a risk and you simply won't know if you have it, until you have chickens and turkeys together.

As long as you get them fully feathered out I don't think your temps would be an issue. @Molpet has experience with midget whites. I do not. My neighbor said hers were mean, but I really don't know.

The biggest issue will be getting a good solid Turkey Starter 24-28% protein with higher levels of Niacin, meth, and lysine. They have similar feed requirements as ducks.

Hatcheries that sell them are charging $12-$13 for them. The one I prefer is already sold out for 2020.
This may be a dumb question but since I have moved up here to Maryland from Texas I find that I tend to have seasonal affective disorder (sad) in the late fall and over the winter I am sure due to the lack of sunlight. I see so many others on here in even colder darker climates than me. Anybody else have this issue and what helps you? I just don't want anything that is just a fad and doesn't work. I have ordered Vitamin D already. I work from home btw.
Cooking up a southern ruckus today.

Last week I made some BBQ pulled pork, and froze half. I also made a black bean soup and froze 1/3 of it.

The soup had a "homemade scratch" semi-veggie stock, aka I ran out of chicken stock and improvised.

I seared the fat and trimmings of the pork loin I shredded. I also diced up a good 2" of loin and seared it also. Then I sauteed some carrots and onions in that pan, and deglaze the pan with a 1:10 of ACV:water.

In that water, I boiled a head of broccoli and cabbage. Once that was done I put it through the blender, and then back in the pot with the carrots and onions. I added 4 cans of rinsed black beans, and simmered for 4 hours with various spices and herbs. Prior to serving I blended 1/3 of the soup (beans) to thicken it up.

Yesterday I thawed the soup and pork out and married them. I also cooked up some jalapeno and cheddar sausage to add to it.
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View attachment 1937976

As someone who loves to use the stuff stuck to a pan, I deglazed the sausage pan with a 1:6 balsamic vinegar:water.
View attachment 1937980
That was added to the Crock pot with some carrots, onions, potatoes, and snap peas.
View attachment 1937974

In that crock pot I'll be cooking the CX that I harvested 2 days ago. The seasoning used was himalayan salt, fresh cracked pepper, crushed red pepper, dried lime basil I grew this summer, and a dash of ginger and cinnamon.
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This is going to cook for ~6 hours, and fill some bellies tonight.

Trim there's a food thread here called Show off your yum...there's some folks that would definitely enjoy more posts like this from you if you'd care to join us there :)
quackmama I have SAD too. I live in South West Ky. all it does is rain I think I was the happiest when I lived in FL. even when it rained the sun was out. I am original from NY. I was even temped to lie under the uvb light with my tortoise but I wouldn't recommend it lol.
hahahaaa that made me giggle. I knew I could not be the only one. It rains a lot here in the winter and snow of course. I did not understand this condition until I experienced myself. It is a real thing. I hope both of us can find something that helps us this winter.
Blackhead is always a risk and you simply won't know if you have it, until you have chickens and turkeys together.

As long as you get them fully feathered out I don't think your temps would be an issue. @Molpet has experience with midget whites. I do not. My neighbor said hers were mean, but I really don't know.

The biggest issue will be getting a good solid Turkey Starter 24-28% protein with higher levels of Niacin, meth, and lysine. They have similar feed requirements as ducks.

Hatcheries that sell them are charging $12-$13 for them. The one I prefer is already sold out for 2020.
I think @Flashpoint has midget whites

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