i took him outside to meet mom and dad. they were SO loud, they scared the pants off him. but after about five minutes, they settled down. Frankie, ( who I am now calling Ferdinand, long story being the name change)
Was so afraid of them wouldn’t go near the fence line and kept hiding under me. I’ve been giving a full ML of liquid B complex daily, and the nutritional yeast, plus swimming two or three times a day and practice walking up and down my hallway. he’s walking much better, even a little running after me up and down the hallway. the clubfoot has turned further backwards as he gets used to how he’s going to walk on it, but I also noticed the other foot turning in more 🥺… but maybe it’s to keep his balance?
@Jenbirdee have you seen this? I always think if there is a slight chance then its worth it.
thanks there is a Vet school in Philadelphia. I called to see if they have weekend hours, ( I only have a car on weekends ) Also if they have clinic programs, Perhaps some kind of research study thing that’s free or low cost at least.
i’m waiting to find out. The weird thing about the “club” foot is that all the parts are not there to twist back into shape it looks like the toes are just growing sideways directly out of the anklebone area. There’s no little footpad there at all . So I don’t know . I’m still praying for miracles .
in the meantime, it was 90° here yesterday and my broody hen who is sitting on six duck eggs was getting extra hot when the other hens were sitting on top of her trying to lay eggs, so I moved her with nest eggs and all, into my special room garage addition, and I also candled all six eggs. Today is day seven, and I saw definite life in six of them. yay 😁 !
Great news about your dog not having cancer, We've been through it and know exactly how your feeling. I hope he can keep going.

Congratulations on the hatch. Nice size flock you have now. Look forward to pictures.

Thank you @Miss Lydia! I figure it's true for dogs as it is for humans: "getting old is no fun but it beats the alternative."

We hope a good number of the newborn ducks turn out to be ladies so we can reliably have a 10-piece box daily for sale and a couple eggs more for our use. Maybe we'll also keep the most handsome drake and bring in some fresh blood lines from abroad during summer.

As to the "surplus" young drakes -- the best kind of situation would be to place them in pairs or more with somebody who is worried about noisy ducks but has serious slug issues. Khaki drakes (probably all mallard group drakes?) just keep murmuring softly, it's a pleasant sound.
Poor broody they can sure pile on can't they. It's always so cool to see life inside those shells.

I hope the school gets back to you soon 🙏
the vet school said they give no discounts, and that I might as well go to a vet closer to home. i was able to scrape up enough for an exam with my local so we are going tomorrow afternoon. I kind of feel like I’m just going to find out that there’s expensive surgery available that I can’t afford at this moment, but perhaps God will make a way. so off we go. pic of Frankie and friends from today. The new name won’t stick so we’re back to Frankie. decided it’s short for Frankincense.

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