Their is a good antibiotics for all birds called : Poly Aid plus VETAFARM And another good one called OXYmav B For Birds on the intructions their is instructions on how much to use each for what size bird a fully grown chicken would be called 1 big bird size

We have a couple of antibiotics here. I have started the one that is for chickens just now. Will keep them on it for 5 days (that is what the instruction says). I hope he survives.
Can anyone here suggest anything for weakness? What should I feed him so he regains his strength?
He is eating his starter feed and water he takes has minerals in it. Yet, he looks very weak. Would stop and close his eyes after walking a little. Not running or jumping like he did a before he got sick.
got 4 little chicks a couple of weeks back. They are really small so I've kept them in heat lamp which they seem to enjoy a lot.
But, suddenly last week, one of them got sick. I couldn't figure out what happened to it but it seems he had congestion. He kept sneezing and grasping for air. I isolated it immediately. Cleaned and sterilized the whole area for the other three. He died in a couple of day.
Other three seemed to do fine until day before yesterday, another little baby started stretching out his neck, opening his mouth.
I still isolated him as he was sneezing as well. Then yesterday, there was so much mucus in his mouth that he could not open his beak. It was transparent and thick. I cleared it with a Q-tip, after which he breathed a little then he sneezed and shook his head really hard and the mucus came back.
Today, third of my chick is stretching his neck and sneezing.
I don't keep them inside all day. I let them out at least thrice daily for an hour or two so they can run around and flap their wings.
Looks weak, keeps sneezing and keeps stretching his neck and opening his beak out.
The temp inside is around 37-38 degree Celsius.
supposed they should be 2 - 3 weeks old
They are 2-3 weeks old - temp is 37-38 C that's 96-98F! Reduce your heat. Are chicks using the heat at all?
Not sure about the Tungsten bulb, those get very hot.

What are you feeding the chicks?
I don't see mucous....I do see a chick that looks like it might hiccup every once in a while and has a full crop.

Get us some photos of the poop.

Do they have grit?
Can anyone here suggest anything for weakness? What should I feed him so he regains his strength?
He is eating his starter feed and water he takes has minerals in it. Yet, he looks very weak. Would stop and close his eyes after walking a little. Not running or jumping like he did a before he got sick.
A little bit of sugar water can boost energy.
We have a couple of antibiotics here. I have started the one that is for chickens just now. Will keep them on it for 5 days (that is what the instruction says). I hope he survives.
Thats perfect what your doing now you just have to cross your fingers and hope for the best But I think you have a good chance. Good luck!
Can anyone here suggest anything for weakness? What should I feed him so he regains his strength?
He is eating his starter feed and water he takes has minerals in it. Yet, he looks very weak. Would stop and close his eyes after walking a little. Not running or jumping like he did a before he got sick.
I would give little bit of a sports drink like gatorade, the electolytes and sugar can give the chick help.
They are 2-3 weeks old - temp is 37-38 C that's 96-98F! Reduce your heat. Are chicks using the heat at all?
Not sure about the Tungsten bulb, those get very hot.

What are you feeding the chicks?
I don't see mucous....I do see a chick that looks like it might hiccup every once in a while and has a full crop.

Get us some photos of the poop.

Do they have grit?

The feed is simple starter feed for chicks.
They use the heat when they want, they come out when they feel its enough. The bulb is 15W, smallest that there is. I don't think that is a problem though but I will reduce the temperature still.

Poop looks fine now. I will take photos and send you after a while. The poop is normal solid, usually brown or dark brown.

Yes, there is no mucus or runny nose for now. This looks like hiccup but it is not going away. The chick sneezes as in this video:
Please watch carefully, he opens his mouth to breathe and then sneezes.

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