What did you do in the garden today?

once again no notices for this thread, this time I know for sure I didn't miss it.

Me too! Just went searching for this thread - figured I'd missed notifications, but pretty sure I didn't get any.

I have to say, this is my first EE & man do I LOVE those muffs!

We've had EE since we first got chickens. Cant help it - love the muffs! They get more full and fluffy after they go through first hard molt! Just ordered 4 more EE to pick up in Feb.

pull a muscle or pinch a nerve in my neck putting on my coat

Ouch! My young teen woke up with I'll guess a pinched nerve in neck. The drama - teen thought there was something seriously wrong ("I cant move!!" "It really hurts" "See, I cant do this or that!" "No, I'm not taking ibuprofen - it's bad to mask symptoms!" etc, etc)....and was mad at me that I would still expect them to go to the audition I signed them up for (low key audition scenario, no chance of a big part, just a member of the background type part in a small play), so I think nervousness of the impending audition heightened the pain. It did take a few days for neck to feel all better.
Not much going on today. Might rake some more pine straw later might not. Will probably go for walk and check on the area where bamboo tends to pop up. Make sure there isn’t an impending invasion.
Forgot to add that my notifications have been spotty to sometimes I get em sometimes I don’t. I’ve seen people in other threads complain about the same problem I’ve had the same problem but no as bad on the sister site TEG too.
LOL. My coop article must be highlighted somewhere again. I'm getting a ton of hits and comments again. People must be thinking of building for chicks this Spring. Yup, front page LOL. I don't ever go there, I just jump straight to here.
Screenshot 2021-01-17 at 10.48.13 AM.png
Good afternoon gardeners. I am pooped! Did not get the pavers done and it ain’t happening today, although I might go out and fix the two that need fixing later. I picked up 18 cubic feet of soil from HD this morning, thank goodness someone was there to help me load it. Then I moved it all into the garden expansion. I love the cart thing my husband got for me! I was able to push all six bags out near the garden at once. Also thankful for that wrap around walkway, Got said walkway swept and pushed some mulch over the bare strip where the wall used to be between the yard and the desert garden. I found out these two bushes I bought like partial shade so I’ll move those to the shade garden later today as well. They’re called Dipladenia Madinia, a low growing evergreen and the ones I purchased have red flowers. I have no idea where I’m going to put them yet. Here’s some pics from today, time to get the meatloaf prepped and get some more clean up done outside. Have a great day!

My bucket, I’m slowly adding stuff to it as I use it or find it in the disaster in the garage. I can carry all my hand tools and trimmers and such and toss some bags of amendments into the bucket and take it all in one trip. Love it!
Any suburban folks use straw or hay? Where do you source it? I've seen it for $8-$10 for a bale. I feel like that's a lot.
My son gets it for me from time to time, otherwise in a pinch I’ll get a compressed bale from TSC for my rabbits. They have more animals than me so I think we paid about $5 a bale in bulk, I only have the two rabbits that use hay.

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