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  1. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: For those of you who have contacted me wanting to know what a snug is. It is a smaller warm quiet room usually with a woodburner used more for family than guests. Crash - means just relax and chill out. Oesdog - sorry!!!!! I want a snug! Our house has an "open" floor plan - not...
  2. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    ...because two of our hens have gotten a toenail stuck in something and torn their toenails off! So today is cleanup day and we're going to make see if there's anything out there they can catch their toe in and take care of it. I'm *so* not looking forward to it. Ah well. At least it's not raining.
  3. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: You could increasing the protein, reduce lighting so they can focus on making feathers. Everyone else hope your fine. I had a dream it snowed. A lot of snow. Lord knows I'm dreading it like crazy. I even turned the heat on Sunday morning at 3am I was so cold. Take care and...
  4. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Hi folks, Sorry to drop off the face of the earth this summer. What a godawful summer. I am so glad it's over. Almost. It was 91F here yesterday. Last night, I found out we have possums. Luckily, they weren't able to get into the Faraday Coop. My dog found it, at about 1am. I looked at it...
  5. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    So we're getting ready to go away for a week - got a conference in Atlanta. Doing my Flylady chat to keep motivated to clean this place up enough to leave!
  6. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: Great idea on getting a cheapo and using the other until you save up for a good one! And, I love that picture of you! I thought for a second that was your baby and wondered how you look so good with a newborn!
  7. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    My son is insane. He's meeting his friends - *before* school. He woke me up at 6:30am to drive him to school. I'mtrying to wake up so I ca drive safely.
  8. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers. I think I've slept 20 of the last 24 hours. I'm slept out. Don't feel healthy yet but a bit better. Glad to hear it's warming up a bit for folks. We've got rain for the rest of the week. Okay - I'm off to wake the teen for school.
  9. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    I'm up way the heck too early. The meds only helped a little. I'm breathing okay right now but laying down I feel like I'm drowning. Yuck. So, sitting up. Cough drops actually help too.
  10. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: Sorry to hear about your hen. It's really harder when it's one you weren't expecting, I think. Just remember that she had a good chicken life with a caring chicken mom.
  11. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    ...being called Ernesto. Last night was our first night with our new furnace. It was so nice to get up this morning and walk out of the bedroom and *NOT* freeze! DS even commented on it! The furnace is gas, and does forced air, with the ductwork run through the attic. It replaces electric...
  12. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: Oh yes. I lived in Italy for 2 years and you can be in another country in an hour... (In fact, we were several times.)
  13. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Oesdog is in Spain. Or somewhere like that. On a trip. Enjoying the heck outta life. Yep, I miss her too. Doesn't feel quite the same without her. Today I've gotta get the shallots planted and make harissa and get this house cleaned up. Oh, and prep the brooder for my new chicks I'm getting on...
  14. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    ...plastic crap that looks like something bought at the dollar store, and of course, it would go on the side of the house facing the street where *EVERYONE* would be seeing it. I objected and they said they could go through the roof instead but now they need a roof jack for that, which is an...
  15. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers. Nice weekend project math ace! And I love the Hippie Chick Egg Factory idea chics! Wish I was close enough to get some of those one buck chooks from ya, Rancher. Hope you at least had good uptake on it. Okay, folks. Gotta get off my fluffy butt and try to get...
  16. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Morning all: bang bang bang stomp stomp whirrrrrrr vrooooom That's what I wake to and hear all day every day. The new furnace and ductwork is going in. They're also putting in a roof jack for the new mechanical air return. Blah. It'll be nice when I have a furnace that works. Right now, we're...
  17. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Well, I'm waiting for the workers to get here to install our new furnace. We are having the attic and crawlspace sealed, insulated, and replacing the inefficient baseboard heat with a furnace. The solar panels were installed yesterday, and we're just waiting for the inspector to approve them and...
  18. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning chicken wranglers. I'm up way too early on a satyrday so I can go to the Stockton Poultry Show. Soon as I've caffeinated sufficiently to drive safely, I'm heading out.
  19. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: OWIE! No pics please. Ewwwwwww. At least not here. You can put them in a seaparate thread labelled "GRAPHIC" if you really wanna. Glad it's outta there and you're feeling better! Have you checked your water? Maybe you have too much minerals in the water? I know in Bologna, Italy...
  20. annaraven

    Coffee's ready...

    DS and I spent yesterday evening playing Risk. It was fun. We haven't had a "family game night" for a long time. We're planning on starting up again this evening where we left off. He had invited a few friends over but they didn't show so I offered to play. He accepted and we had a good time...
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