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  1. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ...My fingers must have gotten tappy happy I posted the wrong article lol...but that was a good one too! Glad I'm learning all these tricks when I'm already halfway through my baking life :P * I love the science in baking, so much more than just flour water yeast bake :D
  2. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I can't remember who asked about blind baking.... But I have to do some, and was looking for extra tips and ideas, and ran across this. I was not wanting to use beans for weights; they always leave dimples... I...
  3. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Awesome! Thanks @ronott1 and @cmom :) I knew I could count on you guys to provide me with not one, but TWO recipes to decide on! :P I'm making both tonight (fingers crossed that baby stays asleep lol) and testing them out for turkey day! Can't wait; I love the smell of yeast in the house :D
  4. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I was looking for recipes for dinner rolls, but most recipes online don't call for any egg... I found a couple on here I might try, and noticed they have egg... So I was curious to find out what exactly the difference is. Found a good article, thought I'd share...
  5. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Aww bummer! :( It looked so promising, too... I really don't like some of the tins; lol I tried a ghost once for Halloween and it looked more like Slimer than anything :D I like to try to put as much decoration as possible to detract from the lopsidedness sometimes; if I put piping in just the...
  6. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Lol @appps, glad they turned out good :) Maybe some people just have more touchy buds, or maybe didn't eat enough dirt as a tot ha-ha :D An acquired taste, "earthy" ;) Ah, @DigMyChicks, just what I was waiting for, as I was too lazy to scroll back and find it :D I won't, however, be too...
  7. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Ha-ha @NorthFLChick, it wanted to be dessert! ;) I'm happy to hear hubby liked them; lol its nerve wracking serving something new around here lol; might as well be a 3 eyed fish the way they look at dinner sometimes :P They're hard little buggers, wouldn't think they needed to cook that long...
  8. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Works for me lol ;) It's really weird, the sugar beets from the field, the white ones, taste HORRIBLE fresh or really any way you try to cook them; I really don't know how they managed to make it to be the 2nd most available form of sugar :P I suppose because the red ones don't get near as...
  9. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Sure thing! :) They're the first thing I plant in spring, and the last thing harvested in fall; actually causes problems sometimes lol. I went overboard and planted 18 rows of beets for spring, canned those, and the 18 rows for fall are mostly still in the ground lol; the chooks ate off the...
  10. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Lol I used to get in SO much trouble with red beets from my mom's garden... I would mash them up in my play "stew", and then discovered the magic of dyeing anything white not stapled down a lovely hue of pink :D Then there's my little 6 year old, really concerned one day because her pee was...
  11. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Lucky you! Lol I have some still in the garden, buried under 3' of snow :P otherwise, I have to go 100 miles to go to a bigger grocer that has beets; living in the boonies is a drag sometimes :( But I did go find a couple jars that I canned this summer... And so e pickles, and peaches, and...
  12. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My favorite besides canned is slicing them thin and saute in butter; give them that nice crispy buttery crunch ;) Ugh lol, this is setting off a severe beet craving... And I think I saw lemon bars up there... This is not the thread to visit when expecting ROFL :P
  13. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ...lbs, right? (Haven't had Mr coffee yet lol) 4 1/2 lbs would equal 2 quarts, roughly, so I guess about 1 kg per quart? Lol here's a pic of the SPICY beet recipe, maybe it's easier when I just take a picture :D I like the spicy one better anyway ;) Edit* had coffee, noticed my terrible math ;)
  14. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I usually just use cider vinegar, but you can ferment them too... My go to recipe that the kids gobble up taste a lot like the canned ones from the store, but a little zippier ;) Courtesy of the Blue Ball canning book lol, I've never had to use another one, since these are pretty delicious :)...
  15. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ...lungs while putting oil in baking cups or on top of loaves, etc... I'm a fan of parchment paper though, unless I have some silicone cups; but I'm still leery on silicone, I've dumped things out accidentally from forgetting how flimsy it can be. :P Edit* wow lol, sorry about the huge picture :P
  16. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Always lol ;) it comes with the territory; I keep a spare pair of boots at my moms ha-ha :D I just like giving her a hard time because I did always ride my horse barefoot; and yes, got my foot stepped on a few times and learned to "two step" at a fairly young age ;) Lol I have sone of those...
  17. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Buttcrack! Hey at least my soft pants cover my hind quarters AND my underwear lol... My 22 to stepson used to do that until his little sister pulled his pants down in front of everyone at the fair... Lol "use a belt, boy, they make em for a reason" ;) Lol I can't STAND seeing socks with flip...
  18. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Lol I avoid it at 2 anymore, the freaks really come out after bar rush is over ha-ha ;) But, I like to call them "soft pants".. ROFL they're NOT sweats! :P Ok ok, they're pjs ha-ha... Flip flops are a must, even my mom gives me a hard time showing up to work cows with flip flops on :D Hey...
  19. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ROFL @3goodeggs, that is too funny :D You don't want to know what we see here in CO lol, especially at 2 am when there's a blizzard coming that day lol... Pj's are a common thing, with flip flops, in 2 feet if go get some s'more cupcakes :P
  20. shortgrass

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Usually I would say that the good thing about practice iis "its free education"... In a bakers' case, it might not be free, but usually we can eat our mistakes :D Oh... That might not be a good thing for the girlish figure if we make too many mistakes ha-ha ;)
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