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  1. tesaba

    FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

    Do any of you use Water Kefir or the whey off of Milk Kefir to ferment? Just thinking that if it can make bread (MK whey) it could possible make for a very good addition to fermented feed (my chicks love my extra WK grains)
  2. tesaba

    Russian Orloffs

    Hen or Roo???? Born 11/8/2013......keeps acting "Rooish" HELP :) Thank you in advance!
  3. tesaba

    Ever had a winter broody?

    This is a coop we built out of FREE pallets.....I don't have finished pics on my computer here, but it turned out very nice....just filled in with two small pallets in the front (removable doors) for easy access cleaning when needed :)
  4. tesaba

    Ever had a winter broody?

  5. tesaba

    RIR Breed Thread

    I have a 20 week old RIR/Dark Brahma mix hen, and her comb and wattle haven't really grown out at all. and neither have any eggs there something I'm doing wrong or is she just a late bloomer ?
  6. tesaba


    I'm so happy!!! I was worried!!!!
  7. tesaba


    Okay another "Rookie" question.......SOOOO if my hen is RIR and the Roo is RIR i "get it" the chicks will be RIR's, but if the hen is say BO and the Roo RIR...what are the chicks? How does that work, when you have a couple diff Roos running around....and hens of all flavors are all laying...
  8. tesaba


    ME TOOOOO :( makes me sooooooooooo sad!!!!!!!! So I have to coax them out to say hello in the evening with a flashlight and OATMEAL ;)
  9. tesaba


    THEY LOVE THEIR OWN PRIVATE OUTSIDE ROOST!!!! (its just a branch we stuck in there after trimming around the yard)
  10. tesaba

    Best goat for milk?

    Did you have any luck?? We are new Backyard Chicken peeps and have already been talking about milking goats......we are just South of you in Lumberton!!! Let me know!
  11. tesaba


    Hey we can say "WE KNEW HER WHEN......" Congrats!!!!
  12. tesaba


    Love my buddy Mel too!!!!! We make a good team :)
  13. tesaba


    Not only are yall good about Chickens....your just GOOD all the way around!!! I LOVE TEXAS and TEXANS :)
  14. tesaba


    Is it really.......the best time to plant roses...I have one in a pot that I brought back to life (tiny roses) from the grocery store......I was thinking about planting instead of bringing it doesn't like the inside very well!
  15. tesaba


  16. tesaba

    Feeding chickens wet feed?

    This is a very good blog with the simple easy steps to FF :) I haven't tried it yet, but I Intend too try it at least once :)
  17. tesaba


    Probably silly question from a Beginner...but how is the VetRx going to keep them there another use for it beside mosquito & fly control???????? Inquiring minds want to know
  18. tesaba

    New Coop looking for its first occupants.........Any takers ?

    The chicks LOVE life on the Bayou!
  19. tesaba


    So the kids like sleeping in the nesting boxes....usually all five of them in one this a habbit I should try and break....or should I let chickens be chickens and sleep where they squat? And if its something I need to work on...what should I try? Thank you!!!!
  20. tesaba

    Chicken lighting in Coop question

    Very Curious to hear the answer to this question.....I have babies born in July, August and September.......I hope I see the answers you get! Would you PM me when you get an response!!! Thank you and good luck to you with your new adventure!!!!!!!
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