Dog thread!šŸ¾

Full House 90S Tv GIF

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Of course, a Galah owner! Got pretty close to getting one, actually. Didn't get any species in the end
Anyone every done kayaking with their pups?
Yep, once! I want to take her out on the water more. Dorie didn't really want to sit still but she did well. There was basically no special training involved. Never had a Boston scared of water and they don't mind wearing clothes.

Of course, a Galah owner! Got pretty close to getting one, actually. Didn't get any species in the end
I was bound to end up with a 'too of some type šŸ˜­ Personally galahs were actually the last species I thought I'd end up with:confused: I appreciate them much more now.
Ooh love those (I'm pretending I know anything about horses other than their looks)
Cause theyre better šŸ¤«
I had a percheron mix. She was the best horse ever. Saw her born, and put her down a few years ago at 30 years of age.
Aw, they are wonderful, sorry for your loss
Went for the unconventional one (I do actually know some things about parrots, unlike horses)! How old is he/she? Umbrella cockatoos are my second fave cockatoo species!
26, had her for3 years, I'm her third owner
Pinky boii

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