Egg broke and was sticking out of vent, now chicken is lethargic !


Jul 9, 2021
Hi guys. I’ve been asking a few questions the last few months on her about my hen who’s been having a lot of problems, and I really appreciate the help so far.
Last night she tried to lay a very thin egg (she had an infection in her oviduct, this is her second attempt at an egg since I treated with antibiotics), the egg looked like it either collapsed inside her or cracked when it was being pushed out. 3/4 of the shell was hanging off her and 1/4 was still inside. As soon as I saw it I very gently removed the connected piece that was still in her vent. After this she did poop (watery) and seemed normal. I did check her vent and it looked like there were very small scratches, which I cleaned and put antibiotic ointment on.
However, today she seems lethargic and doesn’t really want to eat. Her poops are very watery. I also saw last night that there are small white-ish worms in her poop, which i’ve never seen before.
Is ivermectin a good treatment for the worms, and what’s your guys’ take on why she’s acting odd??
Last night she tried to lay a very thin egg (she had an infection in her oviduct, this is her second attempt at an egg since I treated with antibiotics), the egg looked like it either collapsed inside her or cracked when it was being pushed out. 3/4 of the shell was hanging off her and 1/4 was still inside. As soon as I saw it I very gently removed the connected piece that was still in her vent.

Hey again. I’m not sure how long the dewormer takes to work but 3 days in I don’t see any dead worms in her poop- and she’s barely eating / moving around :( not sure if this is because of the worms still being alive or something else? I have also been supplementing her with calcium as recommended.
Same hen that expelled the lash material in this other thread?

Worms would be only part of her issue if it is.
She's got Salpingitis, has also had a collapsed egg that you had to remove. Was it all intact or did the contents of the egg spill out?

You can try treating her again for infection to see if that helps. Sadly, a lot of times when hens have reproductive problems the issue is chronic, so the best you can do is treat symptoms as they arise, keep them comfortable and evaluate their condition daily. Sometimes they can bounce back for short periods of time, but ultimately there comes a time when they just can't.
Can you check her vent for any possible flystrike and maggots? Do you have a picture of the small worms you saw? It sounds like maggots which can be serious. Hens who are having problems with shell-less or thin shelled eggs that break, may feel very weak and lifeless. Giving a human calcium with vitamin D3 tablet daily for several days to a week, may help strengthen the shells and the ability to pass an egg. There could be others coming on the way. Usually, they gain strength when they lay the egg and feel better unless another one comes. I would offer some fluids and cooked egg or watery feed. Electrolytes or something like Poultry NutriDrench can be helpful 2 ml orally.
I would use Valbazen 1/2 ml orally once and again in 10 days, or SafeGuard 1/4 ml per pound given orally for 5 days to get capillary worms. Cecal worms only require the SafeGuard given once and again in 10 days, but I would give it for 5 days in case of capillary worms. I don’t know if that is cecal or capillary worms in your video.
She still doesn’t want to eat, tried all of her favorite foods. I also still haven’t seen any dead worms! Is this an issue or do they die post treatment?
It might be hard to find, but I would try finding a watermelon. I had a hen with a similar issue last year, I had her on antibiotics. The only thing she would eat is watermelon for a couple of days and then after three days she started eating black soldier fly larvae and then her normal feed
Enrofloxacin 10% is what I used last time for 5 days.
What would it mean if her crop didn’t empty overnight?

She still doesn’t want to eat, tried all of her favorite foods. I also still haven’t seen any dead worms! Is this an issue or do they die post treatment?
Most of the time the body would absorb the worms if they die.
What you were seeing is Cecal worms. They are so tiny to begin with, if they were in the poop that probably would not be recognizable.

What does it mean if the crop is not emptying overnight? It means that the digestive system has slowed down for some reason. It's not uncommon for crop symptoms to arise when there's something reproductive going on.
Re-check the crop again, first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink. (after a night's sleep with not access to food/water)

If her crop is not empty, then I'd begin to address the symptom. The article linked below will give you a start.
Is her crop emptying?
Is she pooping at all?
Is she moving about or just stationary/lethargic?

Some reproductive issues can be difficult to treat, supportive care is often the best you can do.
Try offering wet feed, a little scrambled egg or tuna to see if you can entice her to eat her normal feed.

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