our chickens just start eating more when they molt. they will have molts at random times, but sometimes that random time is in winter. we have such a well insulated coop that many times I've had to take off my winter coat (which is nothing compared to their feather jackets) because otherwise I would be a wet mess when I got back inside!
the hardest thing probably for my hens, is trying to hide fromthe camera when they are in molt. you know, it's kinda' embarrassing for them :)
we have good birds.
I have a silkie with a bare butt - looks rather rude - and she keeps going broody so it never grows in - sheesh!

I have to be careful on fluffy butt fridays with her! 😁
Happy Accident or.........

some kind of dominance display? What does everyone think?

View attachment 3282359
? Why is Hattie in the cage? Is she okay? Looks like prep for vet visit with Hattie????

Okay, now to YOUR question: Could be either dominance of Hattie.....or just Dominance in general (i.e. top bird gets the highest roost kind of thing)
Does your chooks play with the xylophone?

How are your geese doing?
No, sadly, my chooks never took to the xylophone:( The ONLY times they had seemed the slightest bit interested was when I smeared some peanut butter mixed with scratch on it. :idunno

My Geese are doing well. When they hear me talk, they call out (kinda loudly, I might say:oops:) And, when I let them out of the coop/run for free range time in the afternoon, they follow me around as I go let everyone out. If I stop & turn, they freeze, I start moving again, and they do, too!:lau Like a game of freeze!!. However, if I stop and stoop down & start talking to them, they talk back and approach. They side-step my gentle attempts at touch, though:hmm But, they will readily eat out of my hand, or gently 'nibble' my fingers or clothing to 'explore it'. I do give them a stern 'NO' if they bite hard or tug hard. I'm fine with curiosity, but not hurting, and I don't want them to get bad habits......

Thanks for asking :love

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