I am struggling a little tonight, but I will be ok. Thank you for all your kind words.
:hugs :hugs :hugsCan you go and give Miss Z some affection (will she allow that?), that might help.:hugs:hugs:hugs

Or maybe Frogger will allow you to hold on lap and pet. A cat's purr is supposed to be at the correct frequency for healing - if you can get her/him to lay on you, purr, and allow you to pet him/her, it may be a small comfort.:hugs:hugs
A bit of sunshine on New Year morning in Nagaoka, Japan
Electric fencers are great fun with naughty horses and goats ! Oh and kids who grab their dads hand and say”dad I want to show you something “ and grab the electric fence giving their dad a huge lifter haha 🤭

For electric fencers, they can be plugged into a GFI, but if the GFI is tripped then yes the fencer is down.

What I did is put the fencer inside the barn (as mine isn’t weather proof), I used insulated wire inside the barn running from the fencer and out to the actual fence and grounding rod (which was 8’ in the ground).

At the actual fence I connected the insulated wire to the actual electric fence wire - I have used wire, tape, and twine. I much preferred the twine as it breaks if the horses tangle in it, and I have seen horrific injuries from wire and tape which don’t break.

What I plan with my chicken run, is to run three strands of twine on the outside of the run, the first strand at about 8” to 10” off the ground and then at 1’ increments up the run fence. To keep raccoons and foxes, etc out.

An easy way to keep the fencer from grounding on weeds and grass, is to spray the fence line with Round-up to kill the vegetation. Use this in the evening after bees and other pollinators have retired for the day.

Happy zapping!
I like the phrase "lifter," that is pretty much what it feels like! My setup with the energizer in the barn out to the fence is similar to yours. I do have it on a GFI circuit I think, still gotta check, but it has not tripped it yet though there have been zaps.

What about weasels? 8" seems high for the first strand for those guys.
Today is not a good day. We just lost one of our llamas. He was 19 years old and had an abscessed tooth that I didn’t catch in time. I knew he hadn’t been acting quite himself the past few weeks, but I was still seeing him eat (or so I thought) and I had checked his body condition a few times. Thursday morning he didn’t stand up when I walked out to feed and give treats so I got him into the vet. (Llama vets are about as hard to find as chicken vets but I found one less than an hour away.) We got him on antibiotics, and I started making mash from his food and squirting some in his mouth several times a day. But I guess he was just too weak and his digestive system must have started shutting down.

I am so sad, and blaming myself for just thinking it was the weather and his age that had him acting a little differently.

I’m so sorry Mac. At least you are with your buddy Boo again (the horse we lost a year ago). We loved you.
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:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
:hugs :hugs :hugsCan you go and give Miss Z some affection (will she allow that?), that might help.:hugs:hugs:hugs

Or maybe Frogger will allow you to hold on lap and pet. A cat's purr is supposed to be at the correct frequency for healing - if you can get her/him to lay on you, purr, and allow you to pet him/her, it may be a small comfort.:hugs:hugs
Miss Z was abused in her past, so she is very cautious around people. She waits at the gate most days for her morning treat, but approaching her in the pasture is another matter completely.

Frogger will snuggle me later tonight, but her usual place in the evening is on my husband’s recliner with him. But I did snuggle for awhile with Squeak, our other cat, who lives in my home office. He is a major lap cat.

I will do so! Pastel would also like some words with Aroura! He is a big roo! I'm sure even Miss. Boss (Aroura) would be scared of him!
Aurora has taken on bigger chickens before. Hens at Fluffy Butt Acres have beaten up roosters before.

Miss Z was abused in her past, so she is very cautious around people. She waits at the gate most days for her morning treat, but approaching her in the pasture is another matter completely.

Frogger will snuggle me later tonight, but her usual place in the evening is on my husband’s recliner with him. But I did snuggle for awhile with Squeak, our other cat, who lives in my home office. He is a major lap cat.

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That look!

(You have until the end of NEXT year to stop....)

( Don't wake me up, this is delightful)


What a sweetie!

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