Oh splotch is a Roo! Have you read Aurora’s commentary’s from the past couple weeks?

You can do a search for Bobs comments on this thread to find them, they are posted each Wednesday
Search for "Ask Aurora". They are all titled thusly.
Dear Aroura, Its Bolt. I have a STUNNING beard and muffs, perhaps better than yours. There I said it. I'm so chunky, you can't do anything to me. I am middle of my peckingorder, but my broken beak is a hooked shape, causing it to hurt if I grab you with it. My human knows.
I mean, just look at my face. I grew this beard when I was just a young pullet. I scratched and dug a lot. I also take dust-baths to keep my beard fine and soft. Perhaps Muffless would like to hear that. I am not scared of you. I lay a STUNNING green color. That is better than any pink color. Ha, I said that. This is my battle face. Come at me, Queen Aroura! Hmm, maybe I should be called Queen Bolt, and you should be called EX Queen Aroura. I like the sound of that. Maybe you have a challenger. I will say, I have respected you for a long time, but think about what my flock would say if I claim the legendary Queen Aroura's title! I would never get bullied ever again. Yours truly, Bolt ( AKA Future Queen Bolt?)
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I can't have Aurora fighting that face. What a sweetheart. I don't believe Bolt could ever be mean. 🥰
Happy New Year
Phyllis is headed out. Everyone have a safe night!

I don't know why I've been avoiding this thread lately but I promise you I'm not mad at anyone. I've just been knitting. Like Grandma has been doing.
I haven't gotten the chance to upload photos of recent chicken and cat photos but I'll probably do that tomorrow.
What I've been wanting to talk about is that today has been good and bad. High of 54 F is the good part but until 10 A.M., it has been foggy and it hasn't cleared up and it is still foggy outside, even though it's dark. It was also raining a little around 4 P.M. and I meant to take the chickens down to the front yard an idea that popped into my head around 10 A.M., but what was I doing? Knitting! And I regret not taking them down but I'll probably do that tomorrow around noon.

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