I've had a rather educational morning, standing at my kitchen window, coffee in hand, watching my chooks. As I was observing, I was thinking of everyone of you, especially @Shadrach.
Charlie has gone broody, AGAIN :barnie Its only been a few weeks since last time and she is at it again. She looked just like Bob's Mal in one of his photos - head down low, floofed out and tail spread like a turkey, standing off against any of the others who came near. And constantly doing that broody 'muttering-under-her-breath'.

As we have been having a rather hot weather spell, I have opened up the front wall of the coop and removed the lid from the nesting boxes, which means we can see right inside. (This hasn't affected their laying, they are quite happy still. This morning I saw Blue and Delta go inside and they both stood there inspecting the nest boxes after having kicked Charlie out. Blue chose her nest box and began rooting about whist Delta just stood and watched, a few times she went into the nest box with Blue, before coming out again to stand watch. Once Blue was done, they both came down the ladder into the run with no fuss at all.

What I can see clear as day now, thanks to you lovely lot, that Delta has taken on rooster duties, escorting Blue to the nest, assisting her with settling in, keeping watch and escorting her back outside. There was no 'egg' song from Blue because Delta was there already to escort her. Delta also makes a very distinctive chattering type call when she has found something interesting in the grass/in the run. I have never heard what a tid-bitting rooster sounds like, but must be what she is doing. Although, she doesn't actually share whatever she has found for the others, she announces she has found something, then chows down at top speed.

As I type, Delta has not yet laid her own egg, she is ruthlessly chasing Charlie out of the coop every time she tries to get back in. I wonder whether she is wanting Charlie out so she can lay her egg in peace, or whether she is doing it because she is trying to prevent Charlie from sitting?
Aren't they just fascinating! I love days like that. I'm going to head out myself in a minute to do just that.

It does seem like Delta is doing what Lilly does. Taking on some of the rooster duties. I linked to a recording of Jabberwocky tidbitting a while ago. I could link it again if you want to hear the sound he made so you can recognize it.

What is your pecking order? I don't remember It.
I've had a rather educational morning, standing at my kitchen window, coffee in hand, watching my chooks. As I was observing, I was thinking of everyone of you, especially @Shadrach.
Charlie has gone broody, AGAIN :barnie Its only been a few weeks since last time and she is at it again. She looked just like Bob's Mal in one of his photos - head down low, floofed out and tail spread like a turkey, standing off against any of the others who came near. And constantly doing that broody 'muttering-under-her-breath'.

As we have been having a rather hot weather spell, I have opened up the front wall of the coop and removed the lid from the nesting boxes, which means we can see right inside. (This hasn't affected their laying, they are quite happy still. This morning I saw Blue and Delta go inside and they both stood there inspecting the nest boxes after having kicked Charlie out. Blue chose her nest box and began rooting about whist Delta just stood and watched, a few times she went into the nest box with Blue, before coming out again to stand watch. Once Blue was done, they both came down the ladder into the run with no fuss at all.

What I can see clear as day now, thanks to you lovely lot, that Delta has taken on rooster duties, escorting Blue to the nest, assisting her with settling in, keeping watch and escorting her back outside. There was no 'egg' song from Blue because Delta was there already to escort her. Delta also makes a very distinctive chattering type call when she has found something interesting in the grass/in the run. I have never heard what a tid-bitting rooster sounds like, but must be what she is doing. Although, she doesn't actually share whatever she has found for the others, she announces she has found something, then chows down at top speed.

As I type, Delta has not yet laid her own egg, she is ruthlessly chasing Charlie out of the coop every time she tries to get back in. I wonder whether she is wanting Charlie out so she can lay her egg in peace, or whether she is doing it because she is trying to prevent Charlie from sitting?

??what kind of chicken is Charlie
Aren't they just fascinating! I love days like that. I'm going to head out myself in a minute to do just that.

It does seem like Delta is doing what Lilly does. Taking on some of the rooster duties. I linked to a recording of Jabberwocky tidbitting a while ago. I could link it again if you want to hear the sound he made so you can recognize it.

What is your pecking order? I don't remember It.
I've seen the video Bob, but couldn't hear anything distinctive - I might need to listen again.

Delta is the undisputed Queen of the Coop who rules with an iron beak. Next we have Echo, who is rather chilled, rarely gets involved in pecking order disputes, if anything she is a bit of a buffer between Charlie and the other two. Third is Blue; she is an absolute cow to Charlie at every opportunity, but instant submits to Delta when she gets on her wrong side. Charlie, as we all know, is waaaaaay down at the bottom.

@GrandmaDeKorte10 Charlie is a Heritage Skyline, others on here have said they don't recognise the breed, it might be a UK thing.
I've seen the video Bob, but couldn't hear anything distinctive - I might need to listen again.

Delta is the undisputed Queen of the Coop who rules with an iron beak. Next we have Echo, who is rather chilled, rarely gets involved in pecking order disputes, if anything she is a bit of a buffer between Charlie and the other two. Third is Blue; she is an absolute cow to Charlie at every opportunity, but instant submits to Delta when she gets on her wrong side. Charlie, as we all know, is waaaaaay down at the bottom.

@GrandmaDeKorte10 Charlie is a Heritage Skyline, others on here have said they don't recognise the breed, it might be a UK thing.
So it makes sense that like Lilly, Delta does not think the Charlie has earned the right to hatch. Hence the fussing.

The sound is like a higher pitched rapid, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk ,tuk. Higher pitched for a deep voiced rooster that is. 😆

Momma hens do it as well. I caught Sydney doing it a few days ago. I think she was practicing. :confused:
Day 11: A little fuss and a "long" trip

Lilly and Sansa both gave Sydney a little fuss today but nothing real serious. Sydney rolled out earlier today, 9:05, but stuck to her schedule, 30 minutes and then back on the nest.

Here she is puffing and strutting

Today I accidentally enticed her farther from the coop than she has strayed at any time since she started setting. Here you can see she followed the rest of the flock when I went to the house in order to record the coop temperature when she came out.

Of course they all followed me assuming that I would supply snacks. I would have left them disappointed except Sydney was there. I could not let her down. So everyone got Mealy Worms and I even gave Sydney her own on a seperate portion of the deck. That is of course until someone else figured out that she had her own. Guess who it was before you watch.
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