Yes Victoria Day Long Weekend, also known as May 2 4 long weekend - the official start to summer (not!),

In this Twsp fireworks are only allowed at 2 times - the day before and day of Victoria Day and Canada Day.

Fireworks are illegal any other time, there has been so many issues in the past with livestock and fireworks, and we have a large Veterans population here (ptsd), and during Covid everyone went bat crap crazy having fireworks almost every weekend that the Twsp banned them.

It’s not fun chasing a herd of cattle stampeding at midnight down the road, or horses.

But I keep my gang locked in the barn and the windows and doors closed to help keep them quiet and stress free. In the past I have had horses break out of their stalls, trample their foals, freak out in the paddocks (one of the reasons I do t leave my horses turned out at night). My neighbour doesn’t have a barn so her horses panic lots - I am surprised she hasn’t had any serious injuries with her horses.

The chooks seem ok but they are awake.
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That totally sucks! And I thought all the jerks were from down here!
Wow are they ever growing up 😊 time flies doesn’t it? It looks like they are feathering out well also ❤️
They seem to be slower to feather out then my first round of chicks tbh. I have read up a bit on the Orpington and they are a slow to mature breed so perhaps that is why or more likely its just me being in a hurry to see what they are going to look like 😂
I honestly don’t know where people get the money for fireworks they are so extremely expensive, and they just go on and on and on for hrs.

Whining tax
Henny tells me just relax Hooman!
View attachment 3514333
Fireworks here are also ludicrously expensive. I can’t fathom how people can afford that either. It is pretty much burning cash 💵 but with more noise and bright flashes of light.
I am sorry :( The 4th of July here is ridiculous as well.
Pony Sunday video's and photo's. There is no perfect time to realize your memory card is full then when you are videoing your daughter in her first class. I got the first way around and partial of the 2nd way when it gave out. I frantically started deleting video's to have enough space for the awards in Juvenile Pleasure and the 2nd class she entered "Go as you Please." Thankfully there was a gap between her final class so I was able to run up and download them. After that I completely deleated the entire memory card. Rosie ended up with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd tonight. The most important thing though was she had fun and made memories. I cannot ask for more then that.
Had to run home to download 2 video's. Like a idiot I did not delete the memory card on my camera. I realize it halfway through Rosie's first class Juvenile Pleasure. I will upload the video's later but Rosie cried. She got her first ever first place on Russ.View attachment 3513987
Wooohooo! Way to go Rosie!

:wee :wee :wee :wee

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