My 5 littles with the DC mom:
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And, yes, all 5 are in the top photo...there are 3 black ones all smooshed together - then the 'blonde' ne and the slightly older one with brown barring on it's wings.

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The brown one (barred wings) is the one saved from the other momma.

Unfortunately, my husband was trying to save me from being upset and told me the older one of the two (the brown one above) was being chased and pecked by the young momma....what he didn't tell me was he couldn't find the other one at all...he at first thought it was under her because she was buk-buking...but I said to him 'if she was moving that fast charging and pecking the other chick, you would have seen her,, unfortunately, the other one that was put under her didn't make it. Even though we can't find the body, since it isn't with her nor obviously in the didn't make it. :(

However, again, DC mom too that one despite it being light and morning and having the others overnight - so that is good! And, while I'm sad the other oone didn't make it, I really didn't want the momma raising just one chick. I feel like they really need at least 2 so they can run and fly and play together growing up...and have a companion when momma abandons them (the two hens are in different 'flocks' ... the White Rock was in the same flock as this Black Jersey Giant, but her chicks are now about ?12? or maybe 13 weeks old, so too much older to play and intermingle with per se.
They’re so cute. Your blonde one needs to be driving a Porsche! :cool:
Absolutely !! Im Bri, I’m 28 from Los Angeles. I’m still getting use to this app so I apologize if I’m all over the place. Hehe here are some photos of my flock & one of my coop. Only have 4 pullets, 23 week old EEs. They have redder combs and faces now, these photos were from a few weeks ago. They are named Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Judy. 🤣
Hmmmm - you need a Snack - just saying!
Some progress was made with roosting tonight. Lilly was once again trying to bar the entrance so she got put on the roost. I then distracted the littles by sitting out with them sneaking treats while it got darker so the adults could settle. Goose was again on the front roost of the coop when I started putting the littles on the roost. She behaved while the first 4 got on. When the 5th got on she could not help herself any longer and started pecking. I pecked her with my fingers a few times to make her scoot over so I could get the rest on. I was planning to then go get Branch. I did not have to. Perdita flew over and placed herself between Goose and the chicks. At first she attempted to peck one of the rocks. It was half-hearted and she did not make contact. Goose then tried to peck them overtop of Perdita and ended up pecking Perdita. That did it. Perdita let her have it and did not relent until Goose was far away from her. I got the rest of the chicks on the roost and closed it up but stood outside and watched incase she went after the chicks as well. To my surprise Twigs boy ended up moving over and snuggling right up to her. What does she do? She ends up cooing to him and even grooming his neck feathers. Next thing I know the rest of them take the hint and get closer to her. I left with the contented sounds of happy chicks and gentle noises from Perdita and a sulking Goose on the end of the roost. I am crossing my fingers Perdita continues to behave this way and tonight was not a fluke.
I just got in from eliminating a yellow jacket nest in the barn - they we inside the wall and the plywood was literally vibrating. They came after me and I switched off my headlamp and fled across the field!
Scary! I hope you were successful in getting rid of them;:fl they are nasty little buggers!

I suppose they have their place in the ecosystem...but they are ones I could do without (them and white-faced hornets are very mean/aggressive) I can do without them, thank you!
Flash has decided to stay inside the house with me. Everyone else wanted to remain in the coop :idunno image.jpg
Scary! I hope you were successful in getting rid of them;:fl they are nasty little buggers!

I suppose they have their place in the ecosystem...but they are ones I could do without (them and white-faced hornets are very mean/aggressive) I can do without them, thank you!
Totally agree! They are not even pollinators.
Pony Sunday
I don't normally have photos for Pony Sunday but here are some interesting ones.

Hornet's nest at my neighbors house. They are leaving it there.
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Tortoise laying eggs on a hillside in the neighborhood.

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And sadly, a yellow jacket nest in the hillside next to our steps. I had to eliminate them they were too close and too aggressive.

Oh I can attest to those dreadful Yellowjacket’s, still have some residual itching on my ankle and my thigh is still discoloured. Glad you got rid of it.

I find hornets are fairly benign, and that’s an awesome nest in that Maple! I have never seen one in a Maple tree before, but I guess those nests are tougher than they look.

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