Could Minnie be a Max?
I am a bit afraid of the answer, but Minnie was posing for me just now and looking at the photo I wondered if she could be a he.
Are those hackles?
I remember someone explaining that pointed hackle feathers were a way of telling gender.
Minnie I think is a day or two younger than Dottie and smaller but she has always been more adventurous and it looks like her comb is more developed.
They are 12 weeks old now and molting like crazy so I assume they are getting to their next development stage.
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Is Minnie a Creme Legbar?
Ok, I missed the black hen posting party. This was Bagheera:

(she’s with Bridge)

Hi friends! Things are getting better daily! I am happy to report that I am officially “Mom” with the chicks. They love to climb on me. For the record, cleaning chick cecal poop out of your hair is not my idea of a good time.

Meet the babies! From left to right:
Sunny, because of her sunny disposition, Flo (short for Florance), because she is chill and goes with the flow, and Flash, who loves to jump, including on her sisters’s backs. 😊

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Outsanding! Mom and a roost/playground! They are so adorable. I'm very happy that they love to hang out on you so.

I am also very glad that things have improved for you. Many of us were on edge hoping that you would be ok.
Aww... you guys are the best. I missed this tag and only saw Kathy’s. All good. Catching up. I missed the Ned/Lucky relocation.
You were a little distracted, I would imagine. The relocation looks to be going very well. And Sydney is now apparently ready to go again! 😱

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