Randy has gone to his new home. The lady who came was about my age and a self-described "crazy chicken lady". We determined only one of those would come get a rooster at 8 p.m. in 3Ā° weather. She texted on the way home with him that he was being quiet as a mouse in the box I stuffed him in (that was an adventure) and that she loved him already! She's promised to let me know when he's settled in and if he makes her any pretty chicks.

All in all, it's 100% for the best and I think I found him a really good home!
Oh thatā€™s awesome! I hope he turns out like Mr P and settles in and has a harem of his own šŸ’•
Two for Tuesday
Two babies

Mama and daughter

Two originals
Brrrr. I went out to turn off the fence energizer so it doesn't run the battery down. I took the fence down so Calypso could come back easily after the hawk attack - but now it is buried under snow and the ground is frozen - so I will have to wait for some melting before I put it up again.
It was interesting to see how (almost) all the animal prints go around the outside of the fence even though it isn't actually there. They really do learn to avoid it.
However, someone came inside the chicken yard and left these prints right by the door. WDYT? Fox? Coyote? Neighbor's dog?


Also cute, though not quite as artsy as @Ponypoor's chicken feet in snow I saw these inside the covered chicken run where a dusting of snow had blown in.


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