When I come back to the coop from a morning walk, I see this:


Plus a Tax photo:

I finally got a picture of Stormfeather. Pictures of him standing still, especially on one leg, are hard to come by.
Covid, flooding, and a busted pump in my main septic tank. Not how I wanted my last 2 weeks to go but all were blessings in disguise. Covid has seemingly reduced my appetite so I am dropping some weight, hope this stays true for another 50 pounds or so. We got over a foot of rain this week so our pond is completely full again. The sun is peaking out so I may let the chooks out a while this afternoon. During the testing of the new pump they discovered a big leak in the line between the pump and the field. Fixing this means our front yard won't get as mucked up as has been. Taking this coming week off for my birthday and to visit my buddy Mike before he begins chemo treatments.
I hope you will have a wonderful birth week!
My DD and my mother have both been having some medical issues ( my little girl will be A ok, my mom I not so sure about) and it has been taking up a great deal of any and all downtime lately. I am so grateful for the synopsis as I feel I can still participate here.

On a cheerful note, today I got to spend a whole hour outside doing some chicken sitting. 🪑 It was gloomy but warm enough to be quite pleasant. Here are some pictures from my time with them today:



Biscotti: she is still growing out her tail feathers from her very late molt but wow she got a lot more splash in her feathers!


Myths super fluffy butt!

Flour fully refeathered and looking gorgeous!

Snicker and Doodle:

The queen of Butler Hollow Coop Brownie, showing off her sheen.

Flour and Sugar with two pristine white butts

Lore watching over the flock

Story and Myth and Kimber

Lots of fluff butts and two cats who wisely decided to find somewhere else to be. (Myth and Avalon are absolute terrors to the cats and will peck and chase them off if they come too close, meanwhile the two boys just keep their eyes on them but otherwise leave them be. I do remember worrying about the cats being a threat to the chickens 😂 now I worry about the chickens hurting the cats!

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