Do you feed them back their eggshells? Mine are not that interested in oyster shell but they love crushed up eggshells.
I am running low on eggshell. I used to have a couple of large coffee containers (the 5 pounders) full, because they ate oyster shell just as much as eggshell. I think the Bielefelders like the eggshell MUCH better, and it takes 2-3 egg shells to make one, so yeah, I'm going to run out. I do have oyster shell available too.
Nutrena feather fixer has both the added calcium and 18% protein and that is what I picked for my trial run.
I'm considering getting something like this. I feed Kalmbach 20% protein, so I don't want to go to a plain layer feed. Since Snowbird isn't with us anymore, I don't need to worry about the calcium/rooster issue.
I missed a day of giving Kasumi a calcium pill and she laid a soft shell egg. She refuses to eat the oyster shell every time I offer so I guess I just need to give her calcium pills in cheese every day. On the plus side all the girls love cheesy snacks.
If I do the "pull the wattles down and stuff in the calcium pill in," Pip struggles and thrashes, and then avoids me. So I've been cutting them into pieces and putting a dab of peanut butter on them. But all the chickens like those, so it can be hard to get them to just Pip.

Soooo. What do you all think? Switch to a feed that has more calcium? Keep giving Pip calcium pills? Both?
Finally got my Darcy project flock outside for a bit if free ranging!!!

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