Subtle but serious complaint: my chickens are making me crazy today. Squawking everywhere, fighting and screaming at each other. BoPeeps is walking around with the penguin stride and I hope she’s ok. :barnie
Ps. Jaffar bit me twice and Xzit once.
Oh no, I’m being punished by karma!
:old :th
:he IMG_3902.jpeg Alright. Tax:
So, I thought that I hid my all nighter really well, but my parents found out. So now I am grounded, they didn’t want me to go to school today (but I convinced them that I needed to) and I can’t go to the rodeo tonight. Which sucks because I’m the FFA president at my school. It sucks because I won’t be there to support my schools chapter. I’m still trying to convince my dad to let me go. He yelled at me for about 30 minutes this morning, and apparently he is going to yell at me the rest of the evening. He is going to take my phone, my books, my alarm clock that doubles as a radio and probably more stuff.

I feel oddly relaxed and refreshed today, besides the fact that I got maybe 30 mins of sleep last night. I fell asleep at my desk…
Good news. I can go to the rodeo.
Good news. I can go to the rodeo.
Even better news would be that you learned your lesson and will not leave everything to the last minute again.
All nighters are not good!
And you can take that from someone who knows as I am a terrible procrastinator and do thigs last minute and it is one of the things that I hate about myself.
Do not be me. Get your stuff done in good time.
Ugh. It isn’t sharp exactly. Just metal and very narrow.
I guess I could remove the heater. Of stuck a pool noodle on it (might not stay on for long).
Get a half-round, or round, dowel, have it routed on one side the thickness of the cozy coop warmer about and inch or half an inch deep, depending on the dowel size, and stick it on. Or glue it on. I’d have sone concern for a regular foam noodle, but they do make a type that is made to go on hot water pipes, and it’ll be split on one side already. There’s probably a heat-resistant glue that could be used too.

Or my earlier suggestion of filling in the space behind it on that mounting board. It is right against that board, so a little length of something laid right on it would be perfect. So she stands on a wider flat surface. That would be easy. And if you’re not going to change the location you wouldn’t need the dowel / noodle idea.

If it’s a Cozy Coop panel like mine, it’s narrow not sharp. Maybe a centimeter? I’d have to measure. Heck, Queenie when she first came here and was in her quarantine quarters, roosted way, way up on the edge of a fur strip I used as a cross-piece to tape the screening to! I thought she had been taken or disappeared somehow, until I looked up and saw a dark figure overhead. Amazing because it was barely six inches from the ceiling. And those strips are barely a quarter-inch thick. She thought it was perfect. I had covered it with clear tape to avoid splinters (for me) at least. I ended up stuffing a sheet between the fur strip and the ceiling to block it!

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