I've finally managed to get princess into the front garden. Now I have to sit here or she'll play Holly havoc and complain :rolleyes:


Gosh we got rid of both roos a while back! At least two months ago. She wasn't nearly that bare even a few days ago. I thought she was looking better. I separated her from the others for now. I don't have any blue spray or saddles. The spray I have is clear and I didn't figure I'd need saddles without roos. :confused: So I'll have to go get some Saturday. Until then, she'll be safe from picking in the small coop.
Are you handy? Can you sew? I asked my
Mum to make a couple for my silkies. Lots of patterns online 💕😊

Marty was just terrible looking last fall, I had given up all hope of her looking normal again, then she started popping out new feathers! Now she looks like her devious old self 😊
oh, how I love staying up until after midnight doing a project that is due tomorrow. One that I’ve not even started yet… and I should also do one for the same class that’s a week overdue.

On a brighter note, my polishes are hatching on Monday. I should get them by Tuesday. I am just worried that I won’t be able to tell them apart even as adults.
I hope you got cracking on those projects- don’t leave things till the last moment!

Ok mom-moment over - I can’t wait to see your chickies 💕😊
And, to make matters worse, he had a big shaggy coat this winter. Clumps of wet hair covered in mud, all over me.
Horse talk requires off topic tax (I like seeing wattles and barred rocks…).

Sundays are PONY SUNDAY !!! Woohooo !! All the horse talk we want and emu, camel, hairy coos, goats and iguanas! Oh and spiny lizards 💕😊
Not meaning to paint the devil on the wall, but the issue with excess calcium is a long term health issue. Hattie is already an old lady.
That said, if it were me, I would probably mix it up a bit. Either alternating bags or literally mixing it so that the health of both layers and non-layers can be looked after.
The Vet told me my Roo would be very old by the time the excess calcium became an issue - so starting today I laid down the law - no more treats! No more chick starter! No more special foods… they all told me ‘BOK BOK BOK, BWAAAAWK, BWAK BOK BOK BOK’

I am sure there is a translation but I am not going to attempt it!

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