Nor can I. :idunno The clappers in Elizabethian times referred to a particular part of the male anatomy. Does that help?
Yeah, I got that far out of my head. I've just been reading in Brewers Phrase and Fable and I can't find anything in there either. :confused:
I also had a search in my books trying 'the clap' route but drew a blank there as well. Still, that saves a visit to the clinic.:p
Ok. Feitico was a word I didn't recognise. When I checked google translate [yes, I know. 🙄 Not the most accurate source] it gave the translation as *spell*. I'm wondering if that may be why it doesn't have the same associations...? Words & names are funny things. Meanings change & get lost & I'm always getting caught by surprise. Blowing like the clappers was common usage when I was growing up but the actual meaning can make me blush. No. Not sharing. Look it up yourself! :lau
Tried googling, nothing came up. :confused:
Rat Update
The rats are not engaging with my trap in box. Color me surprised. :barnie


I now know where they live. They have run the groundhogs out from under my shed.

How do I know that you might ask? Observation.

I have cleared the garden of vegetables now that they have been frosted and have died. Once I do that I will allow the ladies in and I will turn it over with a shovel and allow them to worm hunt. They will smooth it back out for me. The other day the flock and I turned over the garden and left a fairly even but rough surface. We had a little rain and the rats did me a favor by packing down a pathway with their little feet drawing a line right to their warren under my shed.

Here is the rat superhighway.

So today I staked it out. Here is visual proof.

Their dirty little secret is out. This is bad news for them because I am switching to a big bang approach. If I can pull it together tomorrow, I am going to dry ice their house and kill them all at one time, if I'm lucky. 🍀 🤞

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