Oh I do love them! I meant in that post I wished the quiz came up with Dominiques at least once... Each of the Buckeyes have their own personality for sure...I don't sense a loner in any of them, though these are my first chickens so I don't have others to compare to! But they are bold and exploring, for sure. And yes, they totally dominate poor Big Boy the cat, who is very friendly but has to hang out a good distance away when they're out and about!

Popcorn is the Adventure Girl so far: always the most bold, she has figured out that when I go into the garage/barn, the door is likely left open, and there's tons of things to explore and check on in there. I visited and tended and checked them in the run. Three of them got a bum bath / spa treatment over the last two days - everything is looking good back there now, but Butters had stuck-on poop on a spot in between her toes that she seemed never to get entirely off, and I think it irritated her skin, so after the soak with most of it off I put ichthamol salve on there. It looked better today. Then I left their run door open so they could forage a bit in the small 2x3 ice-free spot in front of it. I went across the drive into the garage barn to do a quick chore.

Popcorn made the 30-foot trek across the slippery ice just to explore the garage barn. She's the only one who makes it her mission to get in there. Today I forgot she might do that, and was bundling cardboard and all to put out for pickup, and heard a nice "bok-bok" greeting as she came in (I couldn't see her), then the loud whack-whack, whack-whack, of her pecking a favorite spot on the metal garage car door. It does make a great sound. She soon came around to see what I was doing too, all chatty, having a great time.

I was done shortly but couldn't get her to leave with me. She turned to go back in, she loves it in there. So I got and shook a can of scratch to lure her out and back to the run. There 'ya go, girl! But the sound of the scratch brought Butters, running and flapping at a completely reckless full-clip across the ice. She slipped, and skid on her backside for the last three feet. I hope she's okay... Everybody else was interested but much more careful about it (and me, I've got crampons on my boots!). We made it back to the run and they all had a great time in a new little pile of dry oak leaves and some scratch on their log. Chickens are pretty cool.
I love that story. I can see it all in my minds eye the way you write it. :love
And you gave me a great idea. I need crampons for my boot. Good idea. Wish I had thought of it weeks ago.
That is because Alice is a real looker and she knows it. 🥰
She laid her first egg since she started her moult today! :celebrate
I'd love to see more!
I'm visiting Dad tomorrow. I'll get the story about them and make sure I've got my facts straight before I show them. 😊

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