The not so tiny terrors are being holy terrors at the moment. When I cleaned out their brooder last night decided to fully line the crate with sawdust as they were out growing their dustbathing bowl. Thinking it would make clean up easier since before that i was lining it with paper towels which got super stinky real quick and required several changes a day to keep it remotely clean. And they had created a new favorite game of see how quickly we can shred the new paper towels. Well, they have a new favorite game, see how quick we can rip down the lining. They are scratching and pecking at it furiously to see if it will come down. They have also enjoyed slinging sawdust out of the crate several times today. If you say something to them, they stop and sit down and look at you all innocent, except Karen. She just gives me a "what do you want" look before kicking sawdust at me. At least their younger siblings love me, any chance they get I have a lap full of chicks sleeping.
Try laying on a blanket and have them all attack you! Mine are fine with that! and they find tickle spots I didn't even know I had.
Question for you group of friends. My chicks are 9 and 10 days old. (When and what, can I give as treats)????
I have not offered mine treats yet where they've not been allowed outside to get natural grit. I've offered chick grit, yeah they ignore it so its all been chick starter. Now if they were being broody raised, at 2 weeks old i start offering treats. Even if i didn't offer it, momma would encourage them to eat whatever everyone else was getting.
Question for you group of friends. My chicks are 9 and 10 days old. (When and what, can I give as treats)????
If you look closer at Ned's chick picture there is a strawberry there. At one week Sydney had him eating strawberries and watermelon.
The not so tiny terrors are being holy terrors at the moment. When I cleaned out their brooder last night decided to fully line the crate with sawdust as they were out growing their dustbathing bowl. Thinking it would make clean up easier since before that i was lining it with paper towels which got super stinky real quick and required several changes a day to keep it remotely clean. And they had created a new favorite game of see how quickly we can shred the new paper towels. Well, they have a new favorite game, see how quick we can rip down the lining. They are scratching and pecking at it furiously to see if it will come down. They have also enjoyed slinging sawdust out of the crate several times today. If you say something to them, they stop and sit down and look at you all innocent, except Karen. She just gives me a "what do you want" look before kicking sawdust at me. At least their younger siblings love me, any chance they get I have a lap full of chicks sleeping.

Did you get a video of this game? :pop

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