She got something she values way more than a hug which is leftover hamburger and thinly sliced tomato. I sat with her while she tucked in. Everyone got some but I think she got the lion share.
My nervous princess really settled into my lap yesterday. As I've already said she's much better today I don't know if its the extra minerals or the twenty minutes cuddles.

Maybe both :)
This did not seem to go well

I let Phyllis make contact with the chicks. I will let the video speak for itself.

No one was injured though Legertha got out as I was removing Phyllis
Oh dear, that wasn't fun.
Everything I know about introductions is from cats - not cats like Davis but full on fighting territorial cats. So take this for what it is worth. But what you do there is get them used to treats near each other - so they associate the other cat with the treat.
I think people do similar with chickens. Phyllis gets a bunch of meal worms on the ground right next to the chicks - and the chicks get their meal worms up against the wire by Phyllis. Rinse and repeat several times a day for several days until it becomes an association in Phyllis's mind - chicks= goodness.
My nervous princess really settled into my lap yesterday. As I've already said she's much better today I don't know if its the extra minerals or the twenty minutes cuddles.

Maybe both :)
I would stick with cuddle therapy. It works for @featherhead007 .

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