I never fight with Sammy… I let toddlers feed him by hand… since we came to our understanding that I don’t want his hens we have been best buddies. I seriously need to just install a perch in my bathroom for him at this rate. He tried to come into the trailer when the four soon to be soup boys ganged up on him. My porch and bathroom are now covered in spatter, he’s ok by the looks of it, just absolutely covered in gore… the wattles and combs bleed like crazy, so I’m going to have a pink rooster for a while. And they shake their heads and it gets everywhere
Soup seems reasonable to me.
Lilly Update

The vet called today and while she had the labs back she did not want to tell me anything until she had consulted with specialists about what they are telling us.

I find this a little terrifying. I'm not certain I will sleep tonight.

Meanwhile Lilly had a great day today.

She sunbathed TWICE today and was really enjoying it!

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She was active the rest of the time. Scratching a lot and she roosted on the high roost again today.

She had a great day!
@Ribh @Aussie-Chookmum @LozzyR @MaryJanet @Marie2020 @micstrachan @ChicoryBlue
@BY Bob i would suggest you consider looking into at least one or two of the 4 or 6AH batteries for those tools, it really helps (that and putting in a new blade! Lol 😆 or in my case not running the blade through as many nails!) the circular saw, recip, and jigsaw, as well as the angle grinder all seem to work better with the larger batteries.
Good advice. If I get into something big I have big plug in tools as well. I use the little battery stuff for little projects.
Stay positive! She’s looking better, clearly feeling better, with any luck it’s something that even if not necessarily “curable” might be treatable and you may be able to maintain her quality of life for a good long while.
I sure hope you are right.
Good advice. If I get into something big I have big plug in tools as well. I use the little battery stuff for little projects.
I really like the flexibility of the cordless… sure it’s just a small blade, not as powerful as the corded ones… but I can walk across my yard and cut the plywood at my pallet o ply and carry the smaller piece to where I need it! 😂 and it beats firing up the generator! I can slice through that random little branch across the road… when I do driveway cleanup I just drive the truck, cut things into manageable chunks and toss them in while driving sown for say water, and back up… most of our hose has been built with those batteries! And I use them to light the trailer too! I hope they make another version of the ripple shop lights, they have been awesome

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