I will try to bring you up to speed on the pecking order. I added 2 EEs, Maleficent and Aurora to my flock which at the time consisted of 3 hens and 1 rooster. The rooster, Jabber, would leave us before the two pullets ever merged with the flock. That left 3 hens. Here was the established pecking order among those 3:
  1. Patsy
  2. Lilly
  3. Hattie
Between the 2 little pullets, Aurora was clearly #1. She was vicious towards Maleficent. Of course I’m and old softie and root for the underdog so Mal pulled at my heart strings. She and I became very close.

My flock believes in seniority. So when the lead hen passes, number 2 takes over and when new pullets are added, they come in at the bottom. When i merged everyone together the pecking order came out thus:
  1. Patsy
  2. Lilly
  3. Hattie
  4. Aurora
  5. Maleficent
2 things would then drive changes in the pecking order. Patsy would pass And everyone just slid up one spot.

Then as near as I can remember, Maleficent started laying a couple of weeks before Aurora. Around the same time she moved up in the pecking order to 3rd and Aurora fell down to 4th. Egg laying can effect the pecking order. Mal was never a shy hen and she was as ruthless towards Aurora as Aurora was to her.

Then Maleficent was killed. That left me with the following pecking order.
  1. Lilly
  2. Hattie
  3. Aurora
I expect when the flocks merge together at some point, we will see something like this:
  1. Lilly
  2. Hattie
  3. Aurora
  4. Sansa
  5. Sydney
  6. Phyllis D
Does that help?
Yes, very much. Thanks!
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